Monday, February 15, 2010

An Anti Snoring Treatment that Really works

Snoring ruins lives. It can make both you and your partner short tempered and cranky. It decimates the marital bed and can even be responsible for breaking up long term relationships. But with the right treatment, it is not only surprisingly easy to stop snoring, but you can do it in the span of between two to four weeks.

So what is this miracle cure? Well, firstly it's no miracle; it's simply natural exercise; but not just any ordinary run of the mill physical exercise. This anti snoring treatment is a specially targeted exercise program that seeks out and cures the deep rooted causes of your snoring.

Snoring is the result of a number of causes, all of which act together to cause obstructions in your airways. It is the complexity of these numerous causes and their interactions that make snoring so difficult to cure. To stop snoring effectively, you must first analyze exactly what it is that is causing these blockages, and only then can you set about erasing all of them to finally stop snoring for once and for all.

The exercise program we are talking about was originally conceived to help singers to keep their airways clear. Now it has been specially modified to create the most revolutionary and natural stop snoring remedy that not only has the power to banish snoring forever, but it also helps to diagnose the causes that you need to target and treat.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Herbal Treatments for Your Insomnia Problem

If insomnia is an ongoing problem for you, you realize just how serious and distressing a condition this can be. When you are lacking sleep, you'll find that it significantly affects your daily life.

You can always ask your doctor for a prescription. But sometimes the side effects of insomnia medications are almost as bad as the condition itself. If so, why not take a look at herbal treatments that have been shown to be an effective insomnia remedy.

Consider beginning with something relatively mild, such as chamomile. Chamomile has been used for centuries as a way to get a good night's sleep. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory qualities. This means it can help to soothe any minor discomfort you might be experiencing. Have a cup of chamomile tea before turning in for the night for the best results.

Lavender is another herbal treatment you might want to take a look at. This herb is widely used because it's so effective at calming the nerves. People who experience insomnia due to stress and anxiety find this to be a particularly effective remedy. Try spritzing some lavender oil on your pillow before you go to bed at night.

Many people believe passion flower to be a very effective natural remedy for insomnia. Not only can it calm you and help to induce sleep, it's also known as a pain reliever. The Aztecs used it for both pain relief and as a sedative.

Another popular insomnia remedy is St. John’s Wort. It has a long history of use for insomnia and other health conditions such as depression.

Or there is Valerian Root. People have been treating their insomnia with this herb for countless generations. Because of its natural sedative abilities, it's become one of the most popular herbs for the treatment of insomnia. It is also frequently used as a muscle relaxant. Not only do its sedative properties fight insomnia, they can also relieve nervous problems and calm your restlessness.

Keep in mind that you must use any of these herbal treatments according to the directions. The fact that they're a natural product doesn't mean that there can't be side effects. And taking more of them won't make the condition go away any faster. It might even make it worse.

Any one of these herbal treatments might be successful for managing your insomnia. However, keep in mind that it may take some trial and error until you find the one that works best for you.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Snoring Mouthpiece Could be the Answer to Your Snoring Problem

If you've tried all the home remedies you can think of to help with your snoring problem, it might be time to consider a snoring mouthpiece.  It has been experienced by many people that these small devices are very effective in stopping snoring and as a result they can get a full night of relaxed and restful sleep.  How can you tell if a snoring mouthpiece will work, and where can one be found?

While snoring people breathe through their mouth instead of nose as they should do.  During sleep, however, control of the body is impossible and it is likely that your head will fall back and your mouth will fall open, causing you to breath through your mouth again.  This reaction can be controlled, if the jaw is forced forward by a snoring mouth piece, thereby helping align the tongue in the mouth and opening up the airways  This also can keep your jaw from falling open as they may keep the entire mouth in alignment as well.  Since the tongue and lower jaw are connected, they both work in conjunction with a snoring mouthpiece so that it stays in alignment and the patient can breath normally while asleep.

Often times a mouthpiece for snoring are not just used by people to snore.  People can also benefit from this device if they suffer from sleep apnea, a condition that causes the body to stop breathing while asleep for a short period  {This is because those airways do not get constricted and the tongue is not allowed to fall back into the throat, something that may cause sleep apnea.}  Persons who clench their jaw or grind their teeth at night may also find one of these devices useful.  And sometimes a snoring mouthpiece is used by those who have just a minor problem with snoring; if your doctor recommends one for you it doesn't mean that you need to be embarrassed by your habit or condition.

There are a lot of health concerns and risks associared with snoring,and that does not include poor sleep for the snorer and any one else who is sleeping by her or his side.  So a snoring mouthpiece might be a bit uncomfortable or embarrassing but of course it's well worth this minor inconvenience.  Anyone that has had their doctor recommend such a device should consider this recommendation very carefully and seriously and not dismiss it.

Are You Suffering From Insomnia?

Aspirin helps people fall asleep, especially if you or your child are just a little tense from the stresses of the day.It is necessary for you to ensure that your child gets adequate and sound sleep. You lose sleep as a result of your child’s bedtime and sleeping patterns.  So, this is perhaps a case where a healthcare provider would suggest a low dose aspirin, as an aid in both of you falling asleep.

It is extremely important that everyone in your family gets a good night’s sleep, every night, as frequent insomnia or sleep problems can lead to so many other health problems.Good sleep is very important as at that time the body repairs itself from daily stress of life.  When anyone in your family’s sleep cycle or pattern is disturbed, it is usually this stage of sleep that is interrupted.

Childhood is the time when some sleep problems can become lifetime bad habits for a child.  So occasional sleep problems should be handled has quickly as possible.  Chronic insomnia can itself be a symptom of another condition, such as depression, heart disease, sleep apnea, lung disease, or diabetes, so it's important to see a doctor if you or anyone in your family is having continued trouble sleeping.

As well as an occasion low dose Bayer aspirin (baby aspirin), a glass of warm milk is also a good aid to help anyone with those occasional problems falling asleep.   Both aspirin and warm milk can’t hurt anyone and if you have any chronic pain, it can certainly help.  As a child, I sometimes had problems falling asleep because of leg pains after playing too hard during the day and baby aspirin was what my mother would give me.  Since that was many years ago, there were not any doctors specializing in sleep medicine and our family doctor told my mother that my leg pains were just “growing pains”.

Studies have since shown that daily low doses of aspirin are good for everyone’s heart and blood circulation so most doctors would say that it is a good habit for everyone in your family to get used to doing, especially if there is any family history of heart attacks.

Low doses of aspirin occasionally for sleep, does not mean you are a bad parent.  A child who gets enough sleep and sleeps well is more likely to be cheerful during the day. The better the child sleeps, the happier the entire family will be.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Narcolepsy And Sleep Apnea: Two Important Sleeping Disorder

Although we rarely identify it as a negative condition, many people actually get too much sleep.  Most of these people often complain that they have not gotten enough sleep on any given night. Example, college students drink copious amounts of caffeine in order to stay awake and finish that paper. Many times, they compensate for a lack of sleep at night by taking naps after (and sometimes during) their classes. This behavior might be recognized as "normal" by many teenagers and young people. However, many college-aged people suffer from sleep disorders. The most commonly recognized among these is insomnia, or the inability to obtain an adequate amount of sleep. A disease potentially harmful and yet  often is hypersomnia.

Hypersomnia is defined as excessive daytime sleepiness and/or nighttime sleep. Humans sleep for an average of eight hours a night. Those with hypersomnia may find themselves sleeping for over ten hours at a time.  The most common symptoms are napping at inappropriate times, difficulty waking up, anxiety, irritability, restlessness and fatigue. Some more serious symptoms may include hallucination, loss of appetite, memory loss, or the inability to hear, see, taste, or smell things accurately. The disorder can have a profound effect on one's ability to cope in social situations.  There is a range of possible causes for the condition, but the primary cause is described as abnormalities that occur during sleep or abnormalities of specific sleep functions.

Those with hypersomnia are generally diagnosed in one of four categories by a polysomnogram, which monitors a patient during one night of rest.

Post-traumatic Hypersomnia is caused by trauma to the central nervous system, such as a head injury or a traumatic accident. This kind of hypersomnia may last for a span of a few days or an entire lifetime following such an incident.

Recurrent Hypersomnia consists of episodic periods of extended sleep followed by periods of normal sleep. These episode's length varies. Recurrent hypersomnia is caused by dysfunction of the hypothalamus.
Idiopathic Hypersomnia has no known cause and is the diagnosis most closely associated with the sleep disordernarcolepsy.

Normal Hypersomnia is seen in people who are commonly referred to as "long sleepers," those who require more than ten hours of sleep per night as a result of genetic predisposition.

Hypersomnia shares some common symptoms with other sleep disorders: narcolepsy and sleep apnea. Narcolepsy makes one suffer from "sleep attacks" in daytime notwitstanding the sleep at night time. It resembles hypersomnia in the respect that many experience onset during teenage and young adult years. Sleep apnea is a condition which causes intermittent shortness of breath during sleep. It affects people of all ages but bears a resemblance to hypersomnia in that it is caused by an abnormality of respiratory function during sleep. Like normal hypersomnia, it also tends to run in families.

Lifestyle conditions may add to the habit of sleeping excessively. Hypersomnia may be a symptom of some medications or withdrawal. Drug abuse, alcohol, caffeine are some substances which play a role in extending sleep.  It is estimated that approximately five percent of the population can be diagnosed with some form of hypersomnia.

However, the condition is greatly underreported because so many who have it do not realize that their excessive sleeping or napping behavior is abnormal. What is more, many do not realize what detrimental implications getting too much sleep can have for one's life. The primary symptom of hypersomnia is serious interference with normal schedule. One might miss large amounts of work, school, or other important activities. Secondly, many of the side effects of hypersomnia such as decreased concentration, anxiety, and memory loss all contribute to a diminished work or academic performance. Treatments for those diagnosed for hypersomnia may include the prescription of stimulant or antidepressant medications. Also, it is advised to maintain a regular bedtime/waking time, and to avoid intake of alcohol and caffeine.

An Important Tip To Overcome Sleep Disorders

Bathing will help guys sleep.    Men are most often to have an irregular sleep schedule. Many men just don't get it that they require more sleep. Every person has their own need for sleep. On average, most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night to feel alert and well rested because of poor sleep habits.

Many men do not get this much sleep on a regular basis. The following symptoms show that you are not getting enough sleep
• You have a hard time paying attention during meetings.
• You must use an alarm clock to wake up on time in the morning.
• Sleeping in later is not an option for most people who have to be at work early in the morning.

A man’s job can demand so much of his time that it doesn’t leave much room for sleep. The stress and pressure of a job can affect sleep. Your body wants to rest, but your mind won’t stop spinning. As a result, you toss and turn in bed late into the night. Maybe you fall asleep quickly but wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep. You need to try your best to leave your work at work. You need time away to relax both your body and your mind. Set boundaries and protect your personal free time.

This will be very hard if you work from home. The list of people, places, and things that can exhaust a man’s time is endless.   But one of the best remedies is a warm bath before bedtime.Women have known this for a long time that it is a great stress reliever.

As poor sleep progresses, men stop taking care of their bodies in other ways. They stop eating and exercising regularly. They abuse alcohol and drugs. A man can become depressed and statistics show that men are four times as likely as women to kill themselves.

Many men resist seeking help from a counselor. Men can develop a number of habits that cause bad sleep. The use of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine can all affect your sleep. Consuming them too close to your bedtime can keep you from sleeping well.

If needed, you might want to eat a bigger meal at lunch and a smaller meal for dinner. Men also may keep an irregular sleep schedule. They go to bed and wake up at different times every day. This can disrupt your internal body clock and keep you from sleeping soundly. You should try to wake up at the same time every day.

Try to avoid sleeping in later on the weekends to catch up on lost sleep. Instead, go to bed earlier at night when you are tired.  There are many health problems that can cause insomnia, so if your sleeping problems last for more than over two weeks, make an appointment to get a physical from your family doctor.

In order to relief your insomnia and feel better overall, there are a few things you can do to avoid any potential harm to your health while you are treating your sleeping problems. A well used and healthy body has very little trouble sleeping. Exercise is good for you and encourages your body and brain to rest as it should. Taking good care of yourself is the best sleeping aid you can find.

Bathing will help guys sleep.  If you are a man and feel stressed out and can’t sleep – take a clue from your wife, soak in a warm bath.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Differences In How Men And Women Sleep

There are many helpful ways to fall asleep.  It is important to make sure that everyone in your family gets enough sleep and sleeps well.

Some children sleep different lengths of time, either shorter or longer. Parents lose sleep as a result of their child’s bedtime and sleeping patterns.

One sleep stage is known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Children or people having trouble sleeping usually miss the REM part of their sleep cycle. If your child has an ongoing sleep problem, then you should talk to your child’s doctor or to a sleep specialist.

Men also may keep an irregular sleep schedule. But it is believe that most all of these people have just developed poor sleep habits.
But, insomnia can be caused by another disorder, by changes in the sleep environment, by the timing of sleep, or by stress. Researchers do not know exactly why people need sleep, but we do know that lack of sleep can kill. Humans deprived of sleep for long periods begin hallucinating and develop other mental problems

Sleep plays a vital role in promoting health and well being. Experts suggest that most men and women need about seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Yet there are many differences in how men and women sleep. In general women tend to sleep more than men, going to bed and falling asleep earlier. A woman’s sleep shows a tendency to be lighter and more easily disturbed. Women are more likely to feel unrefreshed even after a full night of sleep.
In the United States, and in many other countries, sleep deprivation is common among students. School aged children should be getting between 8.5 and 9.25 hours of sleep but many do not. A National Sleep Foundation survey found that college/university-aged students get an average of 6.8 hours of sleep each night.

Sleeping for only five hours a night may change our appearance because of the link between obesity and insufficient sleep.

So it is a good idea to have your family doctor check you and your family to make sure there is not a medical reason for poor sleep.

Here are some suggestions to try if you or anyone in your family is having trouble with sleep.
1. Sleep on a regular schedule – go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time in the morning – even on weekends.
2. Avoid caffeine, sugar, or candy – as these foods act to stimulate your body – especially a child’s.
3. Avoid daytime napping – as that can also disturb your regular sleep cycle.But the same is not really true for young children or elderly adults, as the sleep cycle of the very young and the very old are different.
4. Good stress management – leave work at work, and school at school – your hours off should be your time to relax.
5.  A Harvard study found that daily yoga for eight weeks improved total sleep time, and the time to fall asleep.
6. Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a promising natural remedy for sleep.
7. Carbohydrate snacks such as whole grain crackers before bedtime may help to promote sleep. 
8. Gentle, slow music is another remedy that can help to improve sleep without medication. Music has been found to improve sleep quality, decrease nightly awakenings, lengthen sleep time, and increase satisfaction with sleep.
9. Soak in a warm bath as a way to relax your muscles.
10. Don’t eat a big, heavy meal before going to bed as this can also keep you awake.
11. Exercise in the afternoon – the healthier your body is, the better a person will sleep.
12. A glass of warm milk as proven to help a person fall asleep.

There are many helpful ways to fall asleep, and often, insomnia is just caused by poor sleep habits.  But if you have followed all these suggestions and are still having problems, consult with your family doctor.