Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Children and Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnia does not always affect adults. It can be a problem for children as well but it can be difficult to diagnose. Here are some of the symptoms of sleep apnea to look out for in children:

Children younger than 5 years old might have sleep apnea if you notice them snoring, sweating, waking up more than normal, breathing through the mouth, and general restlessness. It is difficult to tell whether they have it just by looking at them and of course you can't ask them what the problem is. If you suspect that something is wrong, you should always consult your doctor first with a small child.

Children older than 5 years might have symptoms that include snoring, not growing at the normal rate, bed wetting, and a short attention span. It is difficult to correctly diagnose sleep alpnea from these symptoms alone but you can ask the child whether they are sleeping well and if they have any problems. Of course, even if they do have sleep apnea, they might think that it is normal and not know that the troubles they are having are not normal.

Snoring is the common symptom in almost all children of any age. Sleep apnea makes it difficult to sleep and deprives both children and adults of precious sleep time. It is usually harder to tell in children than in adults that they are sleep deprived because children naturally have so much energy. Children also have more difficulty expressing themselves and telling you that something is wrong. They might also be emvarrassed to talk about it as well.

If your child shows some of the symptoms of sleep apnia or if you are just suspicious that something may not be right, it is always advisable to go to your doctor. Getting sleep apnia help from your doctor and taking preventative measures is the best course of action. Your doctor can do his own evaluation and is better able to tell you exactly what you should be looking for in your child to determine whether your child has sleep apnea.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Suffering from heavy snoring? Sleep position could be be the cause


When considering a good snoring sleep position, keep in mind that there are positions you can sleep in that help you stop snoring and those that actually encourage even more snoring! While we can't always help the way our bodies toss and turn at night during sleep, there are some things you can do when it comes to your bed and pillows that will encourage less snoring. Sleep position can have a very big impact if you are trying to drastically reduce snoring.

People are supposed to breathe through their nose at all times; the nose has natural filters that treat this air we take in. Breathing through the mouth is unnatural and during sleep, it makes one snore. This can clue you in on the basics of a good snoring sleep position - you want to be able to keep your mouth closed during sleep. We snore when the air going over the back of the throat and mouth causes the tissue back there to vibrate excessively, making the noise we call snoring. Sleeping on your side is a good snoring sleep position as the mouth is less likely to drop open. If you don't sleep on your side naturally you might want to consider a body pillow that you can either clutch to your front or can prop up behind you to keep you on your side. Some people recommend putting a tennis ball or other object in the back of your pajamas to force you into a snoring sleep position but this is usually very uncomfortable and wakes you up during the night, which defeats the purpose of avoiding snoring! Pillows are much more comfortable and usually just as effective.

You can also purchase an actual snore pillow to keep you in a good snoring sleep position. These pillows are made of firm foam and have a scoop shape in the sides which cushion and cradle your head and neck. They keep your head from falling back and your mouth from falling open even when you're sleeping on your back. These pillows usually offer quite a bit of relief for most when it comes to snoring and are well worth the few dollars they cost. After all, you can't always force yourself into a snoring sleep position when you're asleep, so getting a nice pillow or bunch of pillows and propping yourself up can be the way to go.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Choosing The Best Natural Sleep Aid And The Importance Of Melatonin Levels

Choosing the right natural sleep aid is critical to anyone who is suffering from insomnia or simply having trouble getting to sleep. Finding the right natural sleep aid can also help make sure a person also gets the right type of sleep needed at the correct time of day.

Sleep is critical to human survival and people suffering from lack of sleep may end up with several problems/symptoms that are listed below;-

-Aching muscles

-Blurred vision

-Cardiovascular disease


-Hand tremors

-Clinical depression

-Daytime drowsiness and naps

-Decreased mental activity and concentration


-Weakened immune system


-General confusion

These are the most common symptoms from lack of sleep and there are many serious more serious predicaments that can befall someone who isn't properly rested or fall into what is commonly called "sleep debt". It is now known that a large amount of sleep debt has only increased with the industrialisation of the West. In one drastic realization shift work particular night shift work was in December 2007 listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a "probable" cause of cancer.

Finding the right sleep aid is therefore extremely important. The key component of most natural remedies for insomnia is melatonin which is a hormone found in all living creatures from algae to humans at levels that vary in the daily cycle. Melatonin is a natural compound produced by the body to convey message that it is night and the body needs to rest. Melatonin is vital to producing a sleep effect on the brain. Adults who don't have enough melatonin can have trouble falling asleep as their body cannot tell the difference between night and day. Taking a supplement containing melatonin can help the body strengthen its biological clock and restore the natural sleep cycle.

This is the critical bit as I have stated most herbal sleeping aids contain melatonin. The problem is that most of these natural sleep aids contain three to ten times the amount of melatonin that is actually needed.

The levels of melatonin are critical to the success of any natural sleep aid. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) undertook clinical trials which concluded large doses of melatonin proved counter productive and can actually hinder getting the right type of sleep and at the correct time.

In the United States since 1993 melatonin has been used in supplements and has been widley accepted and met with good consumer confidence and ethusiasm. Melatonin has also been found to be a wonderful ant-oxidant (gets rid of harmful free radicals within the body) and also to help stimulate the immune system.

As a natural compound already produced by the body then any daily supplement containing melatonin is only going to augment the bodies' natural levels and prove of benefit to the person taking the supplement. It has no side-effects as long as the person is aware of the melatonin levels in the supplement and is not over dosing.

In conclusion if a person feels that they are on a daily basis feeling physically and mentally fatigued and believe it to be through the lack of a good night sleep which is actually more common then you would think. Here I have listed some finding from 2007 survey of the National Sleep Foundation:-

-Approximately 74% of all Americans do no get enough sleep overnight

-53% of adults say they struggle sleeping at least a small number of nights each week

-Almost 33% has trouble sleeping every night

-Those with sleep problems ate twice as likely to feel stressed and tired.

The choice to take a natural sleep aid can result in the person reclaiming the night
and get the right type of sleep at the correct time therefore feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. The key is to just remember to check the melatonin levels.

There are many natural sleep aids on the market that contain melatonin but the melatrol review which offers independent advice on sleep, circadian rhythms and the bodies' natural cycle reviews Melatrol which critically has the right amount of melatonin in it to gain a good nights sleep.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Worry Less About Falling Asleep? Read More to Learn How to Break Learned Insomnia

Do you just know you’re not getting any sleep tonight? You may be suffering from learned insomnia. If you want to know how to break learned insomnia, then you need to know a few ways to stop insomnia.


So the question is what can you do at night to start relaxing more? There are many ways to cure insomnia just there are many ways to keep you up at night. However, the main thing is you need to take your mind off of all the bills, BS from the job and anything else that aggravates you during the day. In other words distract the distractions that are keeping you from going to sleep.


In your efforts in learning how to stop insomnia you need to change spend less energy at night and expend more energy during the day. For one, you don’t need to try so hard to get to sleep at night. This is one of the main traits of learned insomnia.


Once you start taking time out of your day to do something for yourself, you’ll know how to break a learned insomnia in no time. You don't have to make a career out decoding how to break learned insomnia. Keep in mind you don't have to try to hard at night.


You’ll need to master the art of shifting your focus away. The most important thing is to start doing activities for your self enjoyment. Take 30 minutes to an hour a day (preferably after work) and do something that you want. You can do anything:


  • Play video games,
  • Read or,
  • Watch TV.


Just make sure you stop doing these things not close to your bed time. This way you're in bed and your mind is relaxed and ready for sleeping.


If you want finally know how to break a severe insomnia cycle, then go to our site to learn more about a product that will show you how to how to cure insomnia and finally get the sleep you desperately need. Click Here: http://www.aboutsleepdisorder.com/SleepTracksReview.asp

Help With Insomnia

Everyone has suffered from those terrible nights where you toss and turn but no matter what you do, you can’t fall asleep! You lay there not comfortable at all, trying to get comfortable. It's a terrible cycle where you become more aggravated and therefore less likely to fall asleep again.

The good news is that there are many things you can do to fall back asleep. Be very careful with what you take or what you do to fall asleep because there can be very negative side effects.

The medications your doctor may prescribe can be filled with or contain many side effect inducing, unnatural chemicals. The chemicals in the prescription pills can have very negative side effects. A headache results from taking these pills (kinda like being "hung over"). Or you may wake up after taking a prescription sleeping pill and feel like you are completely out of it. Like a wandering zombie. And with a pill causing side-effects like that you would be better off without it.

What can you do to fight sleeplessness? There are many things you can do to increase your chances of falling and staying asleep.

Your room should be noise free (any kind of noise that may wake you or prevent you from sleeping). Keep the dog and cat out of the bedroom. You wan to also make sure there is no light in your room. Some blackout curtains would really be helpful. Make sure there is not light in the room when you're trying to sleep! Noises or certain sounds can help you get to sleep. Some very effective tactics are low volume music or a sound machine. Machines that have sounds of rain or waves or forests are very effective.

There are also natural sleep aids like Melatrol that you can take. There are no negative side effects in Melatrol because it's all natural (unlike prescription medication which are full of chemicals). Natural Sleep Aids like Melatrol feature a hormone called Melatonin that is what the body produces to help you sleep. These sleep aids are non-addictive and very effective.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Seeing an advertisement for memory foam mattress may not be unfamiliar to you. It has gained enough followers through the years and it keeps on doing so. Who wouldn't want to sleep tight at night without having anything to worry about the bed bugs bites?

Just a look back, the memory foam was conceptualized by the engineers of NASA. This is to provide protection for aeronauts aboard the spacecrafts as they liftoff. The foam reduced the effects of the G-Force on the humans' bodies while at it.

If you are wondering how come, this is because the memory foam contours to the shapes of the bodies. It cocoons the bodies inside. Actually, it would feel like you are being transported to a calm air or sleeping in it. You won't feel any bumps or grinds. Everything will only take off as easy as possible.

Applying this on your every day lives. Imagine yourself asleep on a memory foam bed. Your partner will do all the commotions possible on his side of the bed. Do you know what will happen? You will still continue your trek to the dream zone. This is because your side of the bed has cushioned you that you will no longer be affected by the movements of the person by your side.

This can become very beneficial if you are a parent to toddlers. They might want to play around your bed while you are sleeping. Instead of not allowing them to do so, memory foam contradicts that action. Because of its basic feature and main selling point, you can let your kids play like kids while you get your much needed rest on your special bed.

The vibration and movement is being reduced by this bed. This is the reason why whatever your companions do to try to wake you up, you won't notice that. This is unless, of course, if they will touch you physically and force you awake.

If you toss and turn often at night, this will also be an ideal bed for you and your partner. You motions won't affect him. You both can continue with how you do things or how you prefer to sleep. And both of you will be energized the next day ahead.

And yes, rotten dust mites can be avoided at this memory foam. By having yourself protected from such pests, you will have your bed for a very long time. It adds to the fact that this will last longer than you ever imagined for it to last. For this reason alone, you can say that this is a good investment that you can buy for the whole family to cherish for quite a time.

Memory foam is also known to be hypo allergenic. If you have a baby at home, it will be safe to place them here to sleep. What is a memory foam mattress? It is a whole bed made from memory foam that has the ability to sense your body’s weight and temperature so it is able to conform to your shape, minimize pressure points, aid alignment and reduce tossing and turning.

Don't worry, the memory foam beds are available in popular sizes like regular, twin, queen and king. This makes it all the more fit for almost everyone whatever lifestyle you have and you are enjoying

If you still don't have one, go get it the sooner the better. Memory foam mattress will be there for long. As long as people want to have enough sleep and good rest each time, this product is here to stay. And that's a fact.

Free WordPress Articles

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Understanding The Different Kinds Of Sleep Disorder Treatments

As more and more people find it hard to sleep at night for various reasons, many types of sleep disorder treatments have been invented through the years. Many of these sleep disorder treatments are quite effective and there are also some of them that simply just don’t work at all.

You may suffer from Narcolepsy, sleep apnea, insomnia, or any other sleep disorder. The only way to know for sure is to visit a sleep disorder clinic in your area. Once there, you will be examined by sleep specialists who know how to diagnose and treat sleep disorders so that you can finally get a good night’s rest.

The best way to find an effective treatment of insomnia is to consult an expert. Find an expert on sleep disorders. Ask for an appointed with the expert to discuss your sleep disorder. When meeting with the expert, make sure that you ask questions regarding your situation and explore your options with the help of the expert. Note that there are man types of treatment of insomnia so you need to pick out the one that is suitable for you.

When you visit a sleep disorder clinic, you will be seen by a sleep specialist. The specialist will want to know what you eat, drink, how you spend your waking time and will ask other questions about your lifestyle. These questions are designed to determine if your lifestyle is the reason of your lack of sleep. Then, if your sleep specialist deems it necessary, they may tell you to take a little nap while they watch.

For this test, they will generally strap you to a bed and hook you up to a series of machines. The machines will monitor your heartbeat and your brain waves so that your specialist can see what’s really going on while you sleep. Then, they will watch you while you doze off. You really won’t have any idea what’s going on while you sleep but the entire time they will watch you to see if you constantly wake up, if you have debilitating nightmares, if you stop breathing, such as happens with sleep apnea, and they will watch to see why you just can’t seem to get adequate rest. This test that’s completed in the sleep disorder clinic is the best way to see if you have a sleep disorder and it’s the best way to get treated so that you can finally get the rest you need.

More ideas on sleep disorders can be found hereTo find more ideas on sleep disorders go to Insomnia and Stress

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Natural Deep Sleep - Is It Possible?

If you're not currently getting a good night's sleep, what can you do about it?

After all, we all need sleep to help us maintain our health.

Obviously you could resort to sleeping pills and potions. But you should only use these in the short term, if at all, they're not a good option for the longer term. If you're unsure about that statement, take the time to read the tiny print that comes in the packets.

So what are the natural options available to help you get a good night's sleep, even if you're stressed or otherwise wound up?

Begin by making the time you go to bed a habit. If your bedtime is about the same time every night, even if you don't fall asleep, your body will begin to realize that fact and will react accordingly.

Make sure your bedroom temperature isn't too hot or too cold. Generally, most people sleep better if it's cooler. Climate change seems to have upset the seasons recently, so there can be quite a change from day to day and it's very easy for your bedroom temperature to be "wrong" - check it an hour or so before you intend to go to sleep so that you can adjust it if necessary.

If you can't get to sleep easily, don't panic. Sometimes, the more we focus on not being able to sleep, the more of a self fullfilling prophecy it becomes. Distract yourself. Find something to do other than thinking about not getting to sleep. Maybe a quiet, relaxing track playing in the background. Watch the television - but nothing too "heavy" or thought provoking. Or read a chapter or two of a novel.

Don't do anything too brain intensive for the hour or so before you go to sleep. Your brain doesn't switch off in the same way as your computer. Instead, it takes time for it to slow itself. So it's not realistic to expect your mind to make the dramatic change from being active to going to sleep as though you're flicking a switch.

Another option is to use a hypnosis track that's designed to help you unwind and slowly drift off into sleep.

Monday, October 20, 2008

5 Easy Ways To Stop Your Nightmares

It is thought that around one in five people have a nightmare instead of a dream at least once a week.

Now that's quite a scary statistic, especially if you're one of those people unlucky enough to have a nightmare regularly.

So if you are always awakening in the dead of night in a cold sweat after your dreams have turned into a nightmare, is there anything you can do to cut down your nightmares?

1. Check your medication

Some medicines have the side effect that they can cause nightmares. If you've just started a new medication, that should be on your suspect list. Go back to your doctor and change your medicine if necessary.

2. Relax more

Quite often, if you have a nightmare, it's our body's way to say that we're stressed out out. Sure, it would be nice if your body didn't tell you this by giving you nightmares but then there's a good chance you'd ignore gentler signals. Get hold of a relaxation MP3 and then play it to yourself to help you relax. If you're able to identify what's stressing you out, make it a target to cut them out of your life or at least cut down their effect.

3. Reduce your coffee intake

I know, it's that culprit again. There's no need to cut it out cmopletely from your life. But be very careful how close to bedtime it is when you drink your final cup. It's not just the usual suspects, some pain killers include caffeine, so check the label and change brand if necessary.

4. Get some deep sleep

Sure, that sounds easier said than done. After all, your nightmares are waking you up and that's not exactly helping you get decent sleep. Begin by making your bedtime a routine rather than an erratic time each night.

5. Listen to a hypnosis track

Because you're likely stressed and your mind is busy dreaming up all these nasty scenarios in an effort to see how scared it can make you, hypnosis is an excellent way to sort it out. You can get hold of download a simple hypnosis track which will help eradicate your nightmares. It's quick, easy and it works.


Computer monitors apnea during sleep

An ancient myth told of the plight of Undine, a nymph condemned to a life of sleeplessness out of fear she would stop breathing while asleep and die. Modern science calls it sleep apnea.

The ailment -- an interruption of breathing during sleep -- also is known as ''Undine's Curse,'' and it afflicts a large number of middle-aged, overweight men, many who unknowingly suffer the condition.

Sleep apnea goes all the way back to Greek mythology. We're finally getting the upper hand on it by diagnosing those who didn't even know they were affected.

The condition also has been diagnosed in infants who can be aroused from lapses in breathing by being shaken, an action that doctors say awakens the baby and forces the brain to message the lungs to begin functioning again. Sleep apnea in the case of infants is the cause of sudden infant death syndrome, for which there is no known cure.

The condition now is being diagnosed with the help of a computer and electrodes that monitor patients at home while they sleep. The computer, in use at several medical centres around the country, is among the most accurate of devices capable of monitoring the sometimes life-threatening disorder, Johns explained.

The system uses a mesh halter to which electrodes are fixed and stuck on the chests of patients to measure a series of vital functions, including the length of time between breaths.

The halter and electrodes are placed on the patient at the clinic and worn home. At night, while the patient sleeps, the electrodes are plugged into a small box that records the patient's sleep patterns.

The system measures heart rate, lung function, oxygen saturation in the blood and paradoxing which is the opposite movement of chest and abdomen.

He said the monitoring box is brought back to the clinic the next morning, at which time the data collected during the night is fed into and analyzed by a computer.

If the patient is apneic, the computer might show decreased respiration during sleep, a decrease in heart rate and a desaturation of oxygen in the blood stream.

The operation is similar to a tonsilectomy and involves removal of tissue at the back of the throat, which enlarges air passages to enable unobstructed breathing. Other surgical methods also successfully treat sleep apnea caused by nasal deformity or nasal polyps.

The computerized diagnostic method also helps determine if the patient suffers from other types of sleeping and breathing disorders, primarily central nervous system dysfunction in which the brain is not telling the lungs and diaphragm to move.

Wake up happy! Discover the proven sleep apnea treatments that guarantee a healthy and restful sleep! To grab your free report go to Best Sleep Apnea Treatments

Natural Sleeping Aid – Can Herbal Sleeping Pills Help You Sleep Better?

If that much-needed sleep has eluded you and you find yourself tossing around in bed unable to sleep soundly, then you might want to consider using natural sleeping aids.

Some people are scared of sleeping pills and their negative effects. It is not recommended to take sleeping pills for long term as you can get addicted to it and unable to sleep without it in future. So going natural would seem the best option.

Load up with amino acids contained in a warm glass of milk can help you sleep better. This is what mothers usually give to their babies and it will definitely work even for adults.

The soothing effect of chamomile tea is also an alternative for milk while other herbs and essential oils such as valerian, lavender and rose help calm the mind and soothe the senses by producing endorphin and serotonin considered as relaxing hormones.

Try not to eat or have just a light snack before going to sleep. A very full stomach, although very tempting to sleep with one, can cause indigestion and may interfere with a sound sleep.

Drinks that contain caffeine, eating chocolates and smoking are never to be taken if you want to get that slumber. You can also try to exercise during the late afternoon or evening. It can help relieve stress and help your body relax at night, which is the same effect if you would take a hot shower before hitting the pillows.

Prepare a room conducive for sleep by dimming the lights, lighting aroma therapy candles, and changing fresh sheets. Soft music can also help ease your mind.

Herbal sleeping pills are now available on the market and these can help you sleep better through a mix blend of minerals and natural herbs. These have no side effects and they help induce sleep at night.

If you are looking for the best natural sleeping aid, i recommend Melatrol, a herbal sleeping pill. Learn how melatrol, a natural sleeping aid can help you get rid of insomnia and sleep better at night.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Apnea – A chronic sleep problem

The article discusses the condition of apnea patient, William Chapman. It goes on to examine how a chronic apnea sufferer could get relief from modern treatment methods. 

A sleep lab patient, Pasadena resident William H. Chapman, was tested after his wife wrote his doctor to express concern about his restless sleep. Chapman, 61, has been a heavy snorer for decades. 

"The descriptions of my snoring went from something like a growling bear to a machine that was going to knock down the house," he said. When he and his son went camping in southern Utah last year, his son asked him to sleep in the truck. 

He felt bone-tired during the day, what he describes as "30 years struggling against this weariness that you feel perpetually. No alertness. No get-up-and-go." 

Finally, Chapman spent a night at Torrance Memorial, plugged into the polysomnograph. The test results were startling: He was holding his breath as many as 57 times an hour, each time for 10 to 40 seconds. He would wake repeatedly as he held his breath, meaning that he unknowingly was sleeping only four or five hours a night. 

A federal report concluded that while 60 million Americans suffer from apnea, narcolepsy and other chronic sleep problems, the majority are undiagnosed and untreated. Despite its pervasiveness and impact upon the society, sleep-related problems are not recognized as a public health issue. 

The most common and severe form, called obstructive sleep apnea, features extremely loud snoring interrupted by pauses and gasps. Breathing stops for 10 seconds or longer, sometimes dozens or even hundreds of times each night. 

Most frequently, the airway becomes blocked during sleep due to excessive relaxation of throat muscles. In children, sleep apnea is often the result of enlarged tonsils and adenoids.

People with sleep apnea may show signs of anxiety, depression, irritability, forgetfulness and fatigue during the day. Recent studies have found that sleep apnea sufferers have two to five times as many automobile accidents as people in the general population. 

Treatment includes weight reduction (most people with severe sleep apnea are overweight); avoiding alcohol within two hours of bedtime and sleeping drugs; surgery to remove excess tissue at the back of the throat or enlarged tonsils and adenoids; use of a special mask that improves flow of air through nasal passages. 

Undergoing surgery or sleeping with a mask clamped to your face may seem like extreme measures just to silence snoring. But if you have sleep apnea, those treatments could save your life.

Wake up happy! Discover the proven sleep apnea treatments that guarantee a healthy and restful sleep! To grab your free report go to Best Sleep Apnea Treatments

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Treatment Of Insomnia: Finding An Effective Cure For Your Sleep Disorder

Not being able to sleep at night can really be annoying. Yes, nobody has been reported of dying because of lack of sleep but lack of sleep has been identified as one of the primary causes of reduced productivity of people during the day. If you are one of those people who have been suffering from lack of sleep that you cannot function well during the day, it would be a good idea for you to seek facts about insomnia.

Finding an effective treatment of insomnia is very important especially if you have been losing sleep for more than a week. According to experts, losing a lot of sleep can weaken the immune system of our bodies. Once the defense system of our body is weakened, we become prone to different types of illnesses.

To begin with, you need to learn about what insomnia really is and need to find a definition for the condition and you can learn from available facts about insomnia that it means not getting enough sleep, having disturbed sleep as well as being incapable of remaining asleep once you do fall asleep. Thus, it is easy to understand that insomnia creates a very disturbing situation for the affected person and when sleep is deprived, there is a sense of extreme fatigue as a consequence of it.

Another way of categorizing insomnia is by determining whether it is acute or chronic in nature. Acute insomnia is a sleep problem over the short term, which may mean a single night or a few weeks. This type of insomnia may be the result of a particular life event and often will resolve itself on its own within a short period of time. On the other hand, chronic insomnia goes on at least three nights a week for a month or longer. This is the type of insomnia that might be linked to a health problem or an ongoing stressful situation in life. This is the type of insomnia that is most likely to need your doctor’s help in getting it under control.

The type of insomnia that you are suffering from can give your doctor clues as to what the cause of the insomnia is and what the best treatment plan will be. If you are unsure of what type of insomnia you are experiencing, you can keep a sleep journal for a few weeks that will track which nights you had trouble sleeping and what you might attribute to the problem. A journal like this can help your doctor to determine what type of insomnia you have so that he can offer an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment.

To get more info on sleep disorders go to Alcohol Insomnia

Friday, October 17, 2008

Using Surgery To Prevent Snoring

If snoring really aggravates your sleeping partner then it may be time for you to consider  surgery to prevent snoring. Surgery for some people is a radical method to resolve their snoring dilemma but for a number of people it is the only way to stop. There are quite a few types of surgeries that can be performed but not all of them have the same success and every surgery has its own pros and cons.


If you find yourself making chainsaw noises at night then schedule an appointment with your doctor to check out your snoring problem especially if you have tried all the snoring prevention device and over the counter remedy to no effect.


Widening Airways


Surgery to prevent snoring works to widen the airways and relieve your breathing. One procedure that is used to prevent your snoring is Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. It’s quite a mouthful and it certainly does a lot. When you go under the knife you will be removing your tonsils, part of the soft palate and the uvula.


Surgery to prevent snoring using this procedure appears to be temporary. Only about half of patients who have undergone treatment using this surgical procedure report any improvement after two years. Using this procedure to prevent snoring appears to be temporary. Others find that inside two years they have the same old problems once more with snoring.


Laser Procedures


There is a surgery to prevent snoring that uses lasers if you find that the cost of the above procedure seems to be too much for you then. . You will shorten your uvula with this procedure. Lasers are also used to vaporize parts of your soft palate with this surgical procedure.

This procedure uses only local anesthetic compared to the general anesthetic used in the above procedure

This is a recommended procedure if you have already had your tonsils removed. However you should be warned that it is not completely effective. Although their snoring was much better than before, many people who have undergone the procedure reported that their sleeping partners were still not happy with their snoring.


Palate Stiffening


Surgery to prevent snoring that involves stiffening the palate of the mouth is also performed. It is considered quite effective for many people, with a high rate of people finding relief in the long term. Though in the short term more than 90% of people are able to cure their snoring problems using this procedure. If you think that you could benefit from surgery to prevent snoring then you should talk to your doctor about having this procedure done. Although not completely effective it may help to reduce your snoring problems.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Strangest Of All Anti Snore Devices

Have you ever had a look at some of the anti snore devices that are available on the market and wondered how those strange products came to be invented?  They were by no means deliberately intended as anti snore devices.There have been products such as the nasal stips that by chance have helped stop snoring.  But there are some which you know without a shadow of a doubt that they were created by a non- snorer who was required to live years in the same room as a snorer. 

The Snore Ball 

Many snorers are capable of stopping their snoring once they have rolled over on their sides.  But once on their side and they continue to snore, then they probably have sleep apnea and require a doctor's help.  So, these are somewhat unkind anti snore devices created to forbid even the soundest sleeper from rolling over onto their backs.  Perhaps the inventers were trying to impose just a bit of their unhappiness onto the snorers of the world. 

One such anti snoring product is known as the Snore Ball.  It came out in the early twentieth century.  It is a hard little ball that is strapped to the small of your back.  When you roll over onto your back, you immediately regret that you did and have no choice but roll over onto your side.  Some stick to your pajamas while others come with their own straps. 

The Sandler Pillow 

Along a similar vein, the Sandler Pillow also makes it next to impossible for a sleeper to snore on his or her back.  The pillow is named after inventor Peter Sandler (no known relation to popular comedian Adam Dandler).  It is a tiny, long pillow too thin for the whole head. 

Shock Therapy 

The most drastic and downright dangerous of anti snore devices has to be the Snore Stopper.  This is an anti snoring bracelet, which can be worn around the wrist.  When you start to snore, it gives you a jolt of electricity, which wakes you up.  The manufacturers claim that the sensation you feel from the Snore Stopper is no more painful than a "small pinch."  You can't help but wonder how many chronic snorers receive this as a wedding anniversary present.  ("Oh, honey, you REALLY shouldn't have.") 

What's even better is that there is also a Snore Stopper that is specifically for the tongue.  It shocks the tongue whenever it presses against the back of the mouth. Bon appetit.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sleep Apnia Treatment Options

You might have sleep apnia if you snore very loudly during sleep cycles and constantly feel tired in the day even though you had a normal night's sleep. If you have been observed to stop breathing for certain periods of time while sleeping, you may be suffering from sleep disorders. So how to sleep better?

There are many forms of sleep aids including sleep medication, devices and even surgeries. Apart from these, changing personal habits could help in in curing sleep apnia.

Avoid addictive substances such as nicotine which is harmful to your health. You should stop smoking and avoid alcohol and medicines that cause drowsiness since such substances can cause your airways to close during sleep by interrupting your sleep cycles.

If you are overweight, go on a sensible diet and exercise regime that not only helps keep your body in shape and increase self confidence, your health improves and reduces symptoms of sleep apnia. A way to keep your airway open during sleep cycles is by sleeping on your side.

Some doctors say it is helpful to use devices such as specially designed masks that force airways to keep open during sleep with air pressure. There are dental sleep apnia devices known as CPAP machines that prevent your airway from being blocked by your tongue falling back into your throat. Misalign teeth and saliva build up are some uncomfortable side effects from using these devices. Some anti-snoring devices also cause users to have headaches, dry mouth and dry nose.

You can also consider undergoing surgery to help with your sleep apena disorder. Consult your doctor to get the most reliable information. In surgery, excess flesh from the uvula at the back of your throat is removed and the soft palate and pharynx made tighter. To improve sleep cycles and help prevent sleep apnia, other nasal surgeries may be performed.

What Are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

Anyone that suspects they have the condition should familiarize themselves with the symptoms of sleep apnea. This condition is not something that is just annoying but is dangerous and can also be downright deadly. Some have unfortunately died from the cessation of breathing during the night, so of course realizing if you have this condition and getting it treated properly is vitally important. So let's look at some common symptoms of sleep apnea and remember, you might not be able to recognize these symptoms in yourself but may need to ask your bedmate or another family member if they notice them when you sleep.

Your breathing and the sounds you make during sleep are common symptoms of sleep apnea. When your body stops breathing temporarily during the night of course it works very hard to get itself breathing again and this might mean sounds like choking, gasping, snorting, or wheezing. Many people think that these sounds are just common or harmless snoring but these noises, especially when loud or severe, are common symptoms of sleep apnea. The body gasps when it starts breathing after being denied oxygen or someone wheezes when that oxygen gets cut off. These are not good sounds for anyone and should be taken very seriously.

Sleep apnea interferes with a person's sleep whether they're aware of it or not. The way you feel during the day can also be common symptoms of sleep apnea. You might think you've gotten a good night's sleep but if you're fatigued when you wake up, have headaches throughout the day, get daytime sleepiness, or just generally don't feel rested all of these can be symptoms of sleep apnea. It's important that a person get several hours of uninterrupted sleep in order to be really refreshed and recharged but sleep apnea of course interferes with consistent rest. Again, a person isn't typically aware of the fact that he or she has sleep apnea and is waking up during the night so these daytime symptoms should be considered.

Any and all of these symptoms of sleep apnea should be taken seriously. A doctor can refer you to a sleep clinic, but most cases of sleep apnea are caused by excess body weight. If you're several pounds overweight you might want to consider doing what you can to lose this weight and see if perhaps these symptoms of sleep apnea don't clear up.

Sleep Position and Snoring: Is there a link?

You may have heard that sometimes there is a connection between your Sleep Position and Snoring. In many ways this is correct as snoring happens when a person starts breathing through their mouth rather than their nose. This dries up the throat and causes the tissue in this area to vibrate as air passes over it which is the noise we call snoring. Obviously your mouth is more likely to fall open when you sleep on your back, so you see an obvious connection between this sleep position and snoring. Keeping yourself on your side or stomach is going to help with the problem of snoring tremendously, although this can be difficult for some people. There is the common advice of sewing a tennis ball into the back of your pajamas so that when you roll onto your back you feel that and are pushed back onto your side. This advice when it comes to your sleep position and snoring cessation can actually backfire as of course it's very uncomfortable to roll onto a tennis ball and many who try this find they wake up during the night every time this happens.

A better idea for keeping yourself in the best sleep position for snoring cessation might be to use some pillows under one of your sides. This can prop you up even when you roll onto your back and keep you from being in a bad position during sleep. You can also try a body pillow or large pillow in front of you to clutch while sleeping; there's something about the action of keeping your arms and legs wrapped around such a pillow that keeps you on your side. The support you get in front might help to keep you in the best sleep position and Snoring cessation.

Your sleep position and snoring are not the only issues when it comes to this habit. If your mouth and throat are overly dry or if you have sinus problems, allergies, asthma, or are severely overweight you can also find that you snore constantly. All of these conditions should be treated whether they cause snoring or not, but usually keeping your bedroom adequately ventilated with a humidifier or warm mist vaporizer can also help. While your sleep position and snoring is often related these other conditions can cause problems related to snoring and may need the attention of a doctor.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Use Of Chinese Medicine To Cure Insomnia Naturally

The modern practice of traditional Chinese medicine combines hundreds of years of medical practice in China including using Chinese medicine to cure insomnia naturally. The term 'traditional Chinese medicine' is a relatively modern term which was first coined by the People's Republic of China in the 1950s at a time when the country was attempting to build a substantial export trade for its time honored medicines and practices.

Nowadays, traditional Chinese medicine does not simply include medicinal products, but also covers herbal preparations and several practices including massage and acupuncture. The foundation of Chinese medicine is that the human body works because of a variety of interrelated processes which are constantly interaction with the environment around us. While these processes are in balance you are healthy however, if they are out of balance, your health will suffer.

There are various philosophies which govern the practice of Chinese medicine including such things as the theory of Yin-Yang which examines the role of the five elements (earth, water, fire, metal and wood), energy flow through the meridians of the body and the interaction between the body's organs which are outlined in the theory of Zang-Fu.

For years there has been conflict between those people who believe in traditional Chinese medical practices and people who believe in the science-based practice of Western medicine. Now however Chinese medicine, as well as other forms of Oriental and Asian medicine, is being increasingly accepted in the West and we normally refer to these practices as alternative medicine.

For the many millions of sufferers herbal remedies have long been seen as effective in treating insomnia, or in relieving the symptoms of insomnia, and such things as lavender, chamomile, lemon balm and passion flower are well known for their medicinal properties. There can be very few insomnia sufferers who have not taken a hot drink of honey and lemon before retiring for the night.

A rising number of people are also making use of acupuncture or, for those people who do not like the though of needles, acupressure. Both of these arts have been in use for many hundreds of years and were born out of the traditional Chinese practice of adjusting the energy in the body by controlling its flow along the meridian lines of the body.

Despite its increasing acceptance there are still many people who are distrustful of Chinese medicine. But anyone who has experienced it in action, particularly those people who have been fortunate enough as I have to spend time living in the Far East, will certainly vouch for its effectiveness.

If you suffer from insomnia then Chinese medicine is one route which you should consider seriously and a good place to start is with a simple herbal cure for insomnia.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Know Sleeping Disorder: The Night Tim Killer

Sleeping disorder is a known medical disorder termed as somnipathy in medical terminology. It is a disorder which can be an adequate cause to obstruct the normal performance of human body functions.

Sleeping is the time that the body mind get rest, resuscitate, and prepare for next morning. A large percentage of Americans have are diagnosed having sleeping disorder.
Insomnia is known sleeping disorder, portrayed by our habitual inability to fall sleeping for reasonable period of time. It is a symptom that may cause insomnia among us, because of stress, taking caffeine products like tea, and poor sleeping behavior.

Medical Test for Diagnosis of the Sleep Problem

The normal medical sleep disorder test to diagnose the nature of disorder is the polysomnogram. Polysomnogram (PSG) is the recording procedure (gram) of sleep pattern of the patient (somno) of his multi-channels (poly) performance. The resultant of sleep study is polysomnography. Medical practitioners diagnose through polysomnogram if the patient has ‘obstructive sleep apnea’

Medically a sleep disorder test will help the doctor to understand the nature of sleeping disorder. As there are many incidences of obstructions in our breathing system, that if go on for ten seconds and more time at each occurrence, thus decreasing oxygen supply in our blood system to dangerously lower level leading our heart to make an uphill struggle to keep us survive.

Symptoms of Sleeping Disorder

Our faculty to concentrate and think and alertness becomes very weak. The system of managing information, decision making capacity and the precision in taking decisions suffer most. The chances of occurrences of problems associated with functioning of our mind such as irritability, glumness and disposition become possible. The possibility of work-related injury as well goes up as an out come of our sleeping disorder.

Types of Sleeping Disorder

The types include:
‘Snoring’: When we make uneven, rasping sound while we sleep because of our gaping mouth. It causes snoring; this sets off a series of vibrations in our soft palate and uvula. This situation is a result of an obstacle in our breathing path.

‘Sleepwalking’ – It is termed as somnambulism and noctambulism (noc·tam·bu·lism) also. We might suffer from the disorder of walking during our sleep or we perform similar other act related with our condition of sleeplessness. Sleep walking or somnambulism or noctambulism is not a dangerous sleeping disorder as such in all cases, but in some cases this could lead to health risks those could be cause of physical harm.

Narcolepsy is a sleeping disorder that could put us unexpectedly and hysterically in to sleep; at times this may happen with paralysis. This no doubt is a chronic situation; sadly there is no know recognized medical treatment known to treat narcolepsy, the management of narcolepsy is done through meditation.

Factors to Consider When Shopping for Used CPAP Machines

Many people today are having a hard time with their breathing overall and it seems as if more and more are suffering from sleep apnea. Whether or not this is simply due to better diagnosis and reporting of the disease or because there is more pollution in the air or more cases of obesity, the bottom line is that many people are on the hunt for used CPAP machines. These of course are the machines that fit a breathing apparatus over the nose and face and literally force air into one's lungs while you sleep. It's not as painful as it sounds; the air is forced very gently and comfortable. Searching for used CPAP machines can make sense for many as of course they are very expensive to begin with; most run several hundred if not several thousand dollars.

Shopping for used CPAP machines online is not really a good idea as you have no way of knowing wheather or not it will work. Some dealers are very reputable and offer a refund or warranty after some time but you should only purchase from a website that has been established for some time and that offers a lot of equipment, not just from a private person. Remember that used CPAP machines may be somewhat delicate and they have many different little parts that all need to be working properly in order for it to function; it's not like buying a used bicycle where you can easily replace a tire if it has gone flat.

When shopping for used CPAP machines many people also forget that the pressure it is set to is something unique just to you. A doctor should set this pressure for you so you may need to consult with him or her to have it function properly. Setting the pressure of any used CPAP machines incorrectly will mean you're getting too much air pressure which can damage your lungs, or not enough which defeats the purpose of the machine in the first place.

Sometimes used CPAP machines are about as expensive as new ones; they don't seem to depreciate in value as time goes on. Many find that they might as well purchase a new one for the price they pay for used. Of course this is up to you and your own discretion; used CPAP machines also work just as good, so consider your budget.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Insomnia Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

40% adults are suffering from insomnia as per the National Center for Sleep Disorders. Chronic insomnia leads to a lowered immune system, irritability, lack of concentration and daytime sleepiness. People with insomnia often suffer from diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity and memory loss.

4 types of sleeping disorders

(1) Breathing interruptions during sleep is called sleep apnea

(2) Difficulty in falling asleep or Insomnia

(3) Narcolepsy - sleep attacks during the day

(4) A tingling or prickly sensation in the legs called restless legs syndrome

Insomnia symptoms are

  • Trouble in falling asleep at night
  • Disturbed sleep like waking up repeatedly during the night, and not able to go back to sleep again
  • Waking up too early in the morning
  • Feeling tired in the morning after waking up
  • Feeling sleepiness during the working hour
  • Psychological problems like irritation, memory loss and lack of concentration.

Common causes of Insomnia

Psychological (like depression), physical (cancer, cough or any other physical discomforts), and temporary events (environmental aspects like noise or extreme temperatures) are the three main causes for insomnia.

Insomnia Treatment

There are many treatments for sleep disorders. If you are facing sleep disturbances for few days, you can improve the condition just by having regular sleep habits, lifestyle change, exercise etc.

If the problem continues, it is always best to ask a doctor for a proper diagnosis to identify the cause of trouble sleep.

You should take medical treatment if sleep disorders cause problems in carrying out daily activities. The main reason is most of the drugs create a dependency in the long run.

You can also try self-help and other non-medicinal insomnia treatments like improved sleep habits, sleep hygiene, stress management and relaxation techniques and other natural sleep aids.

Disclaimer : Please consider this article only for general information. You should consult your doctor before taking action.



Causes and Cures for Snoring

Snoring can be defined as the sound made through an open mouth due to vibration of the soft palate and uvula. Snoring happens when a person can't move air freely through his or her nose and mouth during sleep. That annoying sound is caused by certain structures in the mouth and throat - the tongue, upper throat, soft palate (say: pa -lut), uvula (say: yoo -vyuh-luh), as well as big tonsils and adenoids - vibrating against each other. Snoring can also be a symptom of sleep apnea, which is a serious medical condition. Learn more about snoring and sleep apnea from this cure for snoring site that has already helped thousands of people.

Snoring occurs when soft throat tissues vibrate during sleep. Some oral strips that are not known to be what is known as a natural cure for snoring are a blend of micro-encapsulated natural oils designed to reduce the vibrations. Snoring is a modest annoyance for most people. But for those who snore habitually, it can cause serious social and marital strife. Snoring sound occurs when air passes through relaxed tissues in your throat, forcing the tissues to oscillate as you breathe, creating raucous sounds.

Snoring is a pretty common sleeping habit that millions of Americans (and their partners) deal with on a nightly basis. Chances are, you or someone you know makes these low, grunting noises during sleep. Snoring can also occur when flabby throat muscles are drawn into the airway, particularly when muscular control is overly relaxed by alcohol, drugs, or deep sleep. Snoring really isn't sexy. Neither is cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, depression and even erectile dysfunction.

Snoring can actually cause insomnia and other issues for people who share a bed with a snorer. Snoring can also lead to dangerous sleep conditions such as sleep apnea. Snoring is an indication of obstructed breathing. Therefore, it should not be taken lightly. Snoring may increase with age, but there are indeed snoring home remedies that can take care of the problem quickly.

Snoring is a warning that the sleeper may be a victim of obstructive sleep apnea. can happen even if the snorer is a man, woman, young man, young woman, male child or female child. Snoring is relatively common during pregnancy, although no one knows exactly how widespread it is. It tends to be more of a problem in the third trimester.

Sleep Apnea Snoring Treatment Alternatives

Sleep apnea treatment options for mild occurences of sleep apnea involve self-help and behavioral changes. They include slimming down, eliminating alcohol, quitting smoking, stopping taking sleeping pills, sleeping on your side, and getting a quality nights sleep on a regular basis.

For more severe cases of sleep apnea, these self-help options are not appropriate. Several other sleep apnea treatments are available. These include:

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP):

The most prevalent severe sleep apnea treatment is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine (CPAP). A CPAP machine affords airway pressure to a sufferer of sleep apnea. The patient wears a mask-breathing device at bedtime. Pressurized air is provided, which the sleeper breathes in, stopping a collapse of the airway and mitigating apnea episodes and snoring. The CPAP machine supplies constant air pressure irrespective of if the person is taking a breath or expiring.

A CPAP machine is an excellent sleep apnea treatment, but many sufferers have found the breathing mask to be uncomfortable. With the help of recent improvements, CPAP masks are now much more user friendly. Newer CPAP masks come in many styles, affording the opportunity to sleepers to find the mask that works best for them.

Improvements in CPAP sleep apnea treatment also included adjustable air pressure. Bi-level PAP affords an opportunity to the sufferer to swap from high to low air pressure during exhalation. Auto PAP automatically changes air pressure via an internal regulator at fluctuating instead of fixed levels.

Oral Appliances:

Oral appliances, like a sports mouth guard or orthodontic retainer, which fit in a sleeper's mouth, are an effective mode of mild to moderate sleep apnea snoring treatment. These oral appliances assist with keeping the sleeper's throat and airway unobstructed. Many sufferers find the oral appliances easier to use than a CPAP machine, but not as useful. Other oral appliances fit around the head and chin to adjust the lower jaw of the wearer, bringing it forward and relieving snoring and apnea.

Two oral tools that are often used to bring the jaw forward during sleep are the Tongue Retaining Device and the Mandibular Repositioning Device. These utensils are procurable from a dentist who specializes in sleep apnea treatment. Some sleep apnea sufferers find the oral device uncomfortable and suffer jaw problems, nausea, saliva build-up, soreness, and tooth tenderness.


Certain surgeries can remove tissues, tonsils, or adenoids, keeping the airway from being able to close and are an alternative sleep apnea treatment. Surgery may give permanent relief, but there are risks of infection and complications. Depending on the type of sleep apnea, the surgery options for sleep apnea treatment include:

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) - A surgeon removes the tonsils, adenoids, tissue from the back of the mouth, and from the top of the throat.

Maxillomandibular Advancement - A surgeon moves the upper and lower jaw forward, enlarging the space behind the soft palate and tongue.

5 Common Dream Interpretations

Everyone dreams every night. But what do our dreams mean? Do our dreams actually mean anything at all? Or are they simply our mind's release?

Here are some common dreams and their interpretation.

Being chased or attacked or fighting

If most of your dreams involve some kind of fight, chances are that you've got a degree of conflict that's surfacing at the moment. Take a note of the people or things you are fighting - whether it's people you recognize, weird creatures, creatures from outer space, etc. You may need to take steps to reduce the conflict that is going on in your life.

Nude or naked people

If you're naked in your dreams, this can mean that there will be a scandal about to break out in your life.

If you dream about other people who are naked, it's likely that you're trying to tempt those other people into doing something.

If you suddenly lose all your clothes in a dream and then try to cover your modesty, this could mean you're worried about a clandestine affair or relationship.


Since we need water to stay alove, it's a good sign to see it in your dreams. Water helps to bring about life and to rejunvenate it.

If the water in your dreams gets too much, you may dream about drowning. Drowning in your dreams is often a symbol for being overwhelmed in the real world.

Dreaming about the ocean is a good sign as this represents limitless opportunities.


Cats can be your friend or they can be wild. Or your dream may involve big cats like lions and tigers.

Pay attention to the type of cats you encounter in your dreams although as a general rule, cats are linked to your feminine and intuitive side. You may also experience the cat using up one or more of its "nine lives" - this is good as it indicates survival.


Lots of dreams involve the idea of flying. If you are flying on your own, soaring through clouds and outer space, this is likely to indicate that you've got boundless possibilities ahead.

Flying in your dreams can also indicate that you're being released from something that's been holding you back.

Find out more about dream interpretation here.

Insomnia Medications: Pros and Cons

If insomnia has been an ongoing problem for you, you might be willing to try just about anything simply to get a little sleep. But before you get desperate, make certain you realize how each alternative works.

The number one thing a lot of people do if several nights of insomnia is causing daytime sleepiness is visit the drugstore for an nonprescription solution. Sleep aids might help at the start, but they don’t address the underlying reason for the condition.

A sleep aid should not be utilized as a fix for insomnia. It might provide some relief initially, but you still need to figure out the cause of your sleep issues. For your long term health, you don't want to have to rely on medication to help you sleep at night.

Many individuals become hooked on the medication and can’t sleep without them. Others have undesirable side effects, or experience complications due to interaction with their prescription meds.

Antihistamines, a familiar remedy for allergies, is a common ingredient in over the counter sleeping aids. They make you sleepy and help to make sure you remain asleep.Some people experience drowsiness the next day, which might interrupt your natural sleep cycle. Side effects could include constipation, dizziness, memory loss, blurred vision, and dry mouth. Once you are dependent on them, you'll need ever greater dosages to feel the benefits.

The doctor might give you something more potent such as a non-benzodiazephine. This helps you feel sleepy by stepping up the natural chemical process of your brain. Using a sleeping aid for ongoing insomnia relief is generally safer than using over the counter remedies; but it can lead to dependencies.

It’s uncommon these days, but your doctor could prescribe a tranquilizer if your insomnia is serious enough. This causes drowsiness by slowing your nervous system. This is a short term solution that could lead to feelings of grogginess the day after.

Your physician might think that the best treatment for you is a prescription for anti-anxiety or antidepressant meds that will act as a sedative. This isn't unusual, and you don't run the risk of developing an addiction like you do with some meds.

If you want to avoid the medical choices and select something more natural, you could look at an herbal remedy for your insomnia. Some herbs have a reputation for promoting sleep, like chamomile, which can be made into tea.

Valerian root, melatonin, and SAMe are other herbal alternatives you might try to treat your insomnia. Be sure you take the correct dosage, since too much of a good thing can sometimes lead to uninvited side effects.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Free Stop Snoring Techniques For You

Getting free stop snoring advice from people who have been in your position could be the most valuable information that you could ever get. Some free stop snoring techniques that can help you stop snoring can be as simple as home remedies that can cure your snoring problem in no time at all.


Free Stop Snoring Solutions


The truth in regards to medicine and over the counter preparation that help stop snoring is that in most cases people do not need them. Many people can cure their own snoring problem with some snoring prevention techniques that can be put into practice in their everyday life. First, though, you will want to look into the reasons why you are snoring and this will determine what free stop snoring technique that will be best for you.


If you are overweight, then you probably have already found the cause of your snoring. Weight is a major factor in snoring, so to combat this problem and reduce the amount of snoring that you do every night, you will want to reduce your weight. You can do this with a healthy diet and exercise. Not only will you be getting your body healthy because of it, but you will also be able to free yourself from your snoring problem.


If weight is not your problem and you are still snoring, it may be the position that you are laying in at night. If you lie on your back every night to sleep, you will find that you probably snore more than if you fell asleep in some other position. If you want to correct this, you will want to practice sleeping on your side or on your stomach. If you keep rolling onto your back and snoring every night, you can put something behind your head like a pillow or a ball so that your head does not roll back and you won’t be able to sleep on your back again. This will train your body to sleep on your side so that you can quit snoring and get better sleep.


Specific substances such as alcohol, sleeping pills and smoking will also contribute to snoring. If you want to stop snoring, you will want to reduce the use of these substances, especially before bedtime.


Snoring is annoying problem, but it can be cured with some free stop snoring advice. If you find that the above suggestions do not help you and your snoring continues then it is advisable that you should see your doctor as there could be other problems that need to be looked at.

Do You Know What's Keeping You Awake at Night?

There are many factors which might play a part in keeping you sleepless during the night. For instance, issues such as when you get out of bed in the morning and the time at which you fall sleep at night, as well as how long before bedtime you finished eating, can all impact a sound sleep. By simply examining your frame of mind or your worries and concerns, you might be able to figure out just what the cause of your insomnia is.

When you understand the source of your sleep troubles you will be in a better position to treat your insomnia, even though it might be the result of a health issue.

External Causes of Insomnia

Is your bedroom a haven of relaxation? Or is it merely an annex of your workplace? If you answered yes to the latter question, then it just might be your surroundings which are contributing to your insomnia. It's important that your bedroom be peaceful and calming.

Once you realize that your bedroom is not a soothing place, then you can work out how to transform it. Making it comfy and pleasant will help to put an end to your sleeplessness. Also, redecorate with light-blocking blinds or heavy drapery to keep out the light. This goes a long way towards curing insomnia.

Do you drink a lot of coffee throughout the day? If you have more than a couple cups, it's bound to aggravate your sleeping problems. Indeed, overindulging in caffeine or alcohol is a leading cause of chronic insomnia.

How's Your Health?

Coffee is a real problem, but the reason for your insomnia could be considerably more alarming than that. It might be a medical condition which is keeping you up at night, especially if you have just received the news of a problem from your doctor.

The bad news and your awareness of the problem might keep you anxious and awake when you should be sleeping. Heart disease, hypertension, and Parkinson's are just a few of the diseases which contribute to insomnia.

If you think there's a possibility that you might have any of these diseases then you should make an appointment with your physician to find out for sure, especially if you've made unsuccessful efforts to unwind before bed in calm and peaceful surroundings.

Insomnia is often ignored as a minor inconvenience, but it might indeed be disguising a more severe illness.

Keira Adams is a health and wellness writer who is a frequent contributor to Insomnia Relief, where you can learn all about the causes, cures and treatments for insomnia.

Lucid Dreaming: How To Dream What You Want To Dream

Lucid dreaming is where you are in a dream and actually notice that you're dreaming. We all dream regularly but we don't often remember what we dreamed about. When you start to take control of your dreams, you're starting to dream lucidly.

So how easy is it to learn to dream lucidly? And, given that most dreams a pretty odd anyway, why on earth would you want to start to control them?

It will take a bit of practice to learn how to dream lucidly, but it's likely easier than many of the other things you've already learned so don't worry.

Up until now, you've probably known when you've dreamed, but only if it was a particularly vivid dream. We all dream every night, several times a night. The thing is, we forget almost all the dreams we have. It's actually quite rare for us to remember our dreams unless we put our mind to it.

Keep a notebook and pen handy, close to where you sleep. If you haven't got a bedside light, you may want a small flashlight as well. This book is your own private dream journal.

Each time you wake up, the first thing you do should be to write down as many details as you can remember from your most recent dream. At first, this likely won't be much detail. But within a few days, you'll find yourself remembering more about more dreams.

Once you've been using your dream journal for a few days, it's likely that you'll start to notice some common patterns in the dreams you've written down. Maybe you're flying in them. Many people find their dreams involve rising water or even drowning. It doesn't matter what your dream subject is, just go with the flow. It's one of your minds ways of resolving the various issues you come up against in the day. You can interpret your dreams with one of the many different dream interpretation books you can find online or in Amazon.

The next step is to start to control your dreams. This is where the fun begins! Lucid dreaming is a big subject but you're already a lot closer to it than most people, just by starting your journal of dreams. You can find out more about lucid dreaming here.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sleep Disorder Tips - How to Fall Asleep Faster and Stay Asleep Longer

There could be many things that cause sleep disorders. Believe it or not anxiety and stress could be the causes. In fact, losing sleep will cause more anxiety and stress as your productivity is reduced during the day. Also don’t rule out seeing the doctor if your sleep disorder is causing you many sleepless nights. Here are some tips to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.


Since most of us are into habits and routines, your bedtime routine should be no different. Keep on schedule and go to bed at the same time every night, that goes a long way. If you keep an inconsistent sleep schedule, your body will not be able to adapt to it. Your schedule should include your bedtime and evening activities. Keep the rules simple like no video games an hour before bed time. Once you get acclimated to creating your schedule regularly, you’ll eventually be able to plan for everything for you entire week ahead. You reduce stress because you are prepared for the oncoming days.


What you should avoid before going to sleep and through the night is television. Television can hinder your sleep and sleep disorder in various ways. First of all, if you tend to watch a lot of TV, it's possible that you may wind up staying up late. So the later you stay up at night, the less window of opportunity you have for sleeping. Television can also be a source of stress, especially if you watch the news. A good way to stay asleep at night is making sure the television is off. It’s simple, you’ll be less inclined to wake up in the middle of the night when there’s less noise. You'll process less information.


Finally, you want to make sure that your bedroom used for sleeping. You'll be surprised how easy it is to turn your bedroom into an office. All you need to do is know the basics to set up your bedroom as a good environment for sleeping. First, you want to remove the temptation to work by getting of laptops and cell phones from the bed room. Also, you should research buying a new mattress. Finally, try to turn around the clock at night so you don't check the time during the middle of the night.


When it comes to your sleep disorder, you can help yourself with a few simple things described above. Basically you want to reduce the noise in your life and the information you take in at night, and try to keep your work out of your bedroom. That’s how to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Hopefully you'll be on your way to a good night sleep very soon.


For more information on how to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer go to http://www.aboutsleepdisorder.com.

How to Deal with Shift Work Sleep Disorders

If you are one of the millions of people who regularly rotate their work shifts and are effectively working when their body needs to rest, you may notice that you feel increasingly drowsy during your night work shifts and unable to sleep during the day even though you might feel really tired. These symptoms of sleepiness and insomnia are a complaint called shift work sleep disorder, that can in addition, bring on several other health related problems such as regular headaches, having trouble concentrating and no energy. Read on for several tips on what you can do to alleviate the symptoms of SWSD.

The most obvious cure is to try to change your work schedule to hours that are more sociable. By working at night, you are upsetting your body’s inner clock, termed the circadian rhythm, which regulates itself with the rising and setting of the sun to recognize when it is time to wake and sleep respectively. Shift work pushes your body into an unnatural state of working when it should be asleep and sleeping when it would ordinarily be awake. This is the reason that you feel sleepy during the night and then cannot fall asleep during the day even though you are very tired. Consequently, if possible, it is in your best interests to have a chat with your work supervisor to see if shift changes can be made.

Here are some sleep strategies for shift workers that you may like to try. If you must work your shift, it is advisable to stay away from caffeinated drinks while you are working, and particularly right before you go to sleep. Caffeine dries the respiratory tracts, and may work as a stimulant for a while, but will make you feel even more tired and groggy after the buzz wears off. This could cause sleep apnea syndrome in many individuals, let alone excessive snoring. So, try to drink fruit juices, or ask your doctor about natural supplements you can take while you work.

Shift work sleep disorder may also mean that you are drowsy during the day, even if you use this time for relaxation before your work shift. If you have narcolepsy, which is believed to be caused by the brains inability to adjust to normal sleep wake cycles, you may notice that you are doing things without remembering, or having vivid dreams while you are not in sleep mode. Your body may also be in a slight state of paralysis when you are trying to wake up, which is an indication that shift work sleep disorder might be your problem.

Keeping a record of your work schedules and rest patterns is normally sufficient information for your physician to make a correct diagnosis. Nevertheless, for ongoing sleep issues or if an underlying sleep disorder is suspected, you may be asked to maintain a sleep diary in which you keep a record of your sleeping habits. You should also try to maintain a regular sleep schedule, even on your days off or at weekends. If you believe they may be helpful, ask your doctor about medications like Ritalin or Melotonin. It is essential that you do not try and self diagnose your problem as it might be something more than a shift work sleep disorder.

4 Cheap And Easy Ways To Stop Snoring

A sleeping partner is likely to be the first person to tell you that you are a snorer, the problem arises when you do not believe them or get offended.

Making your spouse or partner suffer through snoring does not have to continue however.

Here are four inexpensive methods to help you stop snoring. Take a look below and you might well find a remedy that suits you and cures you of your snoring for good.

Try Sleeping Supine

A lot of people snore simply because they sleep with their mouths open. The familiar sound of snoring is caused by the tissues in the nose and throat vibrating as the person breathes.

The thing is that when a snoring person sleeps on their stomach it forces them to close their mouth, simple but true. The throat and nasal passages still vibrate, but the noise has nowhere to go, thus no snoring and peaceful sleep for all.

Lubricate The Nasal Passages

A more severe form of vibration and in turn snoring, is caused when the nasal passages are dry. Sleeping with an open mouth or feeling bunged up from a cold can often cause this.

Try using a lubricating throat spray, this can help moisturize the throat and nasal passages thus relieving the vibration. This method is a great alternative for people who do not want to deal with uncomfortable or expensive stop snoring devices.

Use A Nasal Separator

A nasal separator is a small stop snoring device that fits into both the nostrils and lifts them outwards.

A wider nostril prevents better air movement thus reducing the flapping, snoring noise. Getting more air to flow through is one way to lessen the amount of vibration. Similar in looks to a nose plug but working in reverse explains this device.

Use Pillows

This method is really simple, place a pillow in between your legs and sleep on your side.

Although this may be uncomfortable at first, sleeping on your side helps you to keep your mouth closed. It helps to stop waking your partner, which is half the battle really.

A snoring remedy on the cheap. It avoids having to purchase an expensive stop snoring device and utilizes something that you already have around your house, a pillow.

These four tips on how to stop snoring are all simple and inexpensive. You should certainly try these before you look for more expensive remedies such as those available at you local pharmacy or physician.

Finding Helpful Ways to Fall Asleep

Sleep disorders can affect people in many ways. There's no denying that misery and total chaos prevails when a sleep disorder keeps you from getting to sleep at night. It affects you in all aspects of your life from being an effective parent and at work. So if you're having trouble going to sleep at night, here are a couple helpful ways to help you fall asleep.


When it comes to finding a natural way to fall asleep, it is best to deal with the source of the sleep disorder. If you have consistently stressful days filled with a long work schedule, bills rising and wondering why the government doesn't bail you out, then you definitely need to take a step back and regroup. Remember, the idea is to get your body to shift its thoughts to something that's more pleasurable and relaxing.


One thing that's really easy to start doing just take up reading. Reading has many benefits that can last a lifetime. You should plan to read a book (preferably in print, not from the computer monitor) that interests you roughly 15 minutes to half an hour before you go to bed. Reading a book will help you take your mind off of your daily stresses temporarily and can eventually help you go to sleep. Make sure when you read, you do not have the television on and you're reading in a quiet place.


If you're one of those people that have thoughts racing every second, you want to make sure you make a conscious effort to read the words of the book. Make sure you are telling yourself to take in and focus on every word you are seeing. Because while you're reading are actually focusing on the words and enjoying it.


Another helpful hint help to you fall asleep, is to clear your mind. Sometimes the best way to stop thinking about your problems is to think about nothing. One of the easiest ways to clear your mind is to focus on your breathing. Think about the good air going in and the bad stuff that irks you leaving your body, and only concentrate on that. Concentrating on your breathing will hopefully help you steer clear thinking about the stresses of the day, and hopefully help you to relax. The goal is to relax enough to the point where you want to back to sleep. When


While not being able to fall asleep at night can be devastating to your body and mind. Just remember that the source of it is the daily challenges you have to deal with. The best way to help yourself is to remove yourself from the daily stresses for a while so you can relax and finally go to sleep at night. Hopefully it to helpful ways to fall asleep discussed above will be effective for you. Once you find yourself sleeping more at night, you may be able to deal with your daily routine more effectively.


To find out how to get a good nights' sleep again, read our review of the sleeptracks sleep optimization program. For more information on helpful ways to fall asleep, go to http://www.aboutsleepdisorder.com.


Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and reflects an opinion. This article is not a substitute for medical advice. You should consult a physician for medical advisement.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Child Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Significantly Lower IQ Scores

Although it has been known for a long time now that children who have sleep apnea generally produce poor scores on IQ tests (typically getting an average of 85 as opposed to a score of 101 for children who do not have sleep apnea) one thing which has not been known until very recently is that this is produced by chemical changes within the brain. In other words an otherwise clever child might well turn in a second-rate performance because of nothing more than a sleeping problem which, in most cases, can be fairly simply treated.

In a study undertaken at the Hopkin’s Children’s Centre in Baltimore, 31 kids aged between 6 and 16 (19 of whom had been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea) were examined using a special type or magnetic resonance imager (MRI) and it was noted that the children with sleep apnea showed considerable changes in the right frontal cortex and hippocampus which are areas of the brain which are connected with higher mental function and learning.

The study also discovered that these kids were suffering from altered levels of three brain chemicals which were indicative of brain damage. This alteration of the brain chemistry brought about by the presence of sleep apnea might or might not be permanent and, at this stage, additional studies will be necessary to see if this effect is reversible.

However, even if reversal is possible and the brain chemistry and cognitive function can be returned to normal, kids with sleep apnea are going to suffer learning problems as long as they have untreated sleep apnea and will certainly not be able to rewind time and recapture this period of learning.

Naturally, parents should already be looking out for the signs of sleep apnea in their children and this study clearly demonstrates that early diagnosis and treatment of this sleeping disorder may have a considerable affect on a child’s success in life.

There are several signs of sleep apnea including frequent pauses in breathing during sleep that often lead to an arousal from sleep and to tossing and turning in bed. Children could also display labored or loud breathing, snoring, gasping, coughing and, at times, bedwetting at an age when this phase should generally have passed.

Parents may also see a child sleeping in an odd position, perhaps with their bottom sticking up in the air and their head tilted back in an unconscious effort to force their airway open.

In very many cases sleep apnea in children can be treated by taking out the adenoids or tonsils, or excess tissue from the nose or the back of the throat. Additionally, a CPAP machine (or pediatric CPAP) may also be employed to give the child an airflow delivered using a mask worn while sleeping to keep the airway open.

In itself sleep apnea is incapacitating for any child and the effect of night after night of poor sleep are going to take their toll on your child. However, when this is combined with an impairment of your child’s IQ, it is imperative that you do something at the earliest possible opportunity to have the condition diagnosed and treated.

10 Tips Which Will Prevent Sleep Problems From Causing A Fall In School Grades

It has been believed for some time now that inadequate or low quality sleep in teenagers leads to poor grades at school, but it was not until quite recently that a study confirmed that teenagers with poor sleeping habits do in fact suffer from lower grades.

Here are 10 tips to make sure that a healthy child does not suffer from sleeping problems and can get the quality of sleep needed to perform well in school.

1. Set a regular time to go to bed and do not vary this time by more than a few minutes from one day to the next.

2. Ensure that you get up at the same time each morning, whether or not it is a school day. Teenagers generally have a lie-in on weekends and during school holidays and, rather than making you feel better, this simply disrupts your pattern of sleep.

3. If you find that you cannot fall asleep within say 20 minutes of getting into bed then do not just lie in bed trying to get to sleep, as the more you try the harder it will become. As an alternative, climb back out of bed and do something like listening to some relaxing music or reading a book. Once you start to feel tired, get back into bed and you should fall asleep in no time at all.

4. Avoid the temptation to stay up late finishing homework or getting ready for a test. Although this may appear to be the solution to a particular problem in the short term, and may keep you out of trouble for handing in your homework late or get you through a test, in the longer term your overall performance will drop and any shorter term gain will soon disappear.

5. Do not be tempted to take a nap after school. If you do find that you are so tired you are unable to keep your eyes open then take a nap but for no more than an hour.

6. Do not consume any form of drink that contains caffeine after about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. This naturally means tea and coffee, but also extends to colas and chocolate drinks.

7. Avoid eating a heavy meal too close to going to bed. You clearly should not go to bed hungry and taking a light snack prior to bedtime is fine, however going to bed on a full stomach will make it difficult for you to fall asleep and affect your quality of sleep.

8. Although teenagers will frequently spend a great deal of time in their bedroom turning it into more of a 'living' than a 'sleeping' room, avoid the temptation to use the bed for anything other than sleeping. Do not sit in bed reading, writing, playing games, watching TV or anything else but reserve it only for sleeping so that your body learns to associate climbing into bed with going to sleep.

9. Avoid strenuous exercise within several hours of going to bed. If you wish to play football or engage in other sports or vigorous activities then do these shortly after finishing school and not an two or three hours before you go to bed.

10. At bedtime see that the bedroom is dark, quiet and cool. Do not close your bedroom up, turn up the heat and climb into bed to watch TV. Instead, lower the heat, open the window a bit if possible to let in some fresh air and have the room as dark as you can get it.

If you follow these 10 tips you will find that within no time at all the quality of your sleep will improve, you will feel more awake and active throughout the day and your grades will be on the up.

The Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea Can Be Hard To Recognize

Sleep apnea symptoms are most commonly observed in men overweight men above the age of forty although they can appear at any age in both women and men and are now being seen increasingly in children.

The most obvious symptom of sleep apnea (which is only one of many common sleep disorders) is snoring which is hard to spot by yourself and often needs to be brought to your attention by a sleeping partner. There are many reasons for snoring and the fact that you snore does not by itself mean that you have sleep apnea. However, the majority of sleep apnea sufferers do snore.

The next most obvious symptom of sleep apnea is excessive daytime tiredness. People who suffer from sleep apnea stop breathing frequently while sleeping and the body's natural reaction is to wake you enough for you to start breathing again, but not sufficiently for you to be conscious of the fact that you are being aroused. This of course means that your sleep is continually interrupted and therefore very light so that you are not enjoying the deep sleep which you need. As a consequence you grow more and more tired during the day.

If left untreated the effects of sleep apnea start to emerge and you will start to experience additional symptoms which might include headaches (particularly first thing in the morning), irritability and even depression. You might also find that you are starting to gain weight.

Yet another not quite so obvious symptom of sleep apnea is a rise in blood pressure that can give rise to several cardiovascular difficulties. If you are one of the growing number of people who are now monitoring their blood pressure at home you should pick this up quite easily but, otherwise, it will not be discovered until you attend the doctor for a routine physical examination.

A further symptom is that of learning difficulties and increasing difficulties with memory retention. Once again this is not something that it is easy for you to notice yourself but other people might well notice that you are no longer as quick on the uptake as you used to be.

Finally, a number of sleep apnea sufferers will notice a decline in sexual function that can lead to impotency.

Any of these symptoms by themselves could be indicative of almost any problem you can think of. When you begin to see these symptoms appearing alongside one another however then there is a better than even chance that you are suffering from sleep apnea and you ought to talk to your physician and think about having a sleep apnea test.