The effect of insomnia is felt by patients on their minds as well as bodies, the suffering caused can be substantial because sleeplessness can often be quite damaging to the body and it often goes beyond just feeling tired and sluggish. There is, in fact, a greater likelihood that the damage caused by insomnia could be serious enough to warrant further remedial action.
Lasting Effects to the Body and Mind
Also, there are effects of insomnia that are felt on a number of organs in the body as well as the mind, and often a patient will notice is becoming less energetic and be unable to perform their normal activities. What’s more, when a person is lacking in adequate sleep, it increases the likelihood of becoming ill, because it is important for the body to recharge itself while a person sleeps, and when sleep is deprived, obviously the body cannot repair itself. Another consequence and other effect of insomnia is that the body cannot deal with handling illnesses, which means it will take longer to recuperate.
The inability of the body to heal is another effect of insomnia and this can be attributed to the fact that at night the body has to do a lot to heal it as well as perform other restorative functions. When you sleep at night the body has an ideal opportunity to heal and also replace the damaged cells and tissues. When sleep is insufficient, these restorative processes are unable to be performed, making the work of healing a lot harder.
There is also dysfunction in the brain that is another serious effect of insomnia. When the body is at rest or asleep, the brain can restore the chemical balance within the brain, which ability is prevented should the body not get enough sleep. Another consequence of insomnia is that the patient becomes depressed and stressed, that in turn contributes to the insomnia condition.
Another effect is an inability to focus on tasks like driving. Each year there are thousands of mishaps on the roads caused by driver being fatigued and falling asleep at the wheel. Much like driving under the infuence of alcohol, insomnia can effect your consontration and lead to deadly mistakes while you are behind the wheel.
Finally, the effect of insomnia is also felt in the patient’s memory since lack of sleep is known to retard the patient’s ability to form as well as recall from memory. The bottom line is that the effect of insomnia is costing the government an estimated hundred million dollars each year, and it is believed, that as many as eighty million people or almost one third of all Americans are insomnia patients, which only goes to show the seriousness of the problem.
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