As you enter your teenage years, it is important to make sure that you get enough sleep and that you sleep well. Some teens sleep different lengths of time, either shorter or longer. But this is the time in your life to begin developing good sleep habits that will last you a lifetime.
A well used and healthy body has very little trouble sleeping. Unfortunately, the teen years are the years when too much junk food is eaten and teens get very little exercise unless they are into sports. You might be advised to get into a sport of some type, so you can get the exercise that you need.
Stress is the number one cause of short-term sleeping difficulties, according to sleep experts. Common triggers include school- related pressures, so entering junior high may cause a lack of sleep. Usually the sleep problem disappears when the stressful situation passes. However, if short-term sleep problems such as insomnia aren't managed properly from the beginning, they can persist long after the original stress has passed.
According to a long-term study published in the 2004 April issue of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, young teenagers whose preschool sleep habits were poor were more than twice as likely to use drugs, tobacco or alcohol. This finding was made by the University of Michigan Health System as part of a family health study that followed 257 boys and their parents for 10 years. The study found a significant connection between sleep problems in children and later drug use, even when other issues such as depression, aggression, attention problems and parental alcoholism were taken into account. Long-term data on girls isn't available yet. The researchers suggest that early sleep problems may be a "marker" for predicting later risk of early adolescent substance abuse—and that there may be a common biological factor underlying both traits. Although the relationship between sleep problems and the abuse of alcohol in adults is well known, this is the first study to look at the issue in children.
Sleep allows your body to actively recharge itself and prepare for the next day. It is essential to sleep well as it makes you feel, think and perform better.
During deep sleep an important hormone, human growth hormone (HGH) is released and its production is regulated in young adults. Insufficient sleep can affect hormonal balance. And if you have ever lived with a teenage girl, you need all the help you can get in dealing with hormone balance. Sleep also helps with daytime concentration.
A pre-teen or teenager that gets enough sleep and sleeps well is more likely to be cheerful during the day. The better the teen sleeps, the happier the entire family will be. In reality, sleeping is your most valuable activity of the day. You only need to sleep well and next day you will feel think and perform better.
Teens often struggle with depression and can be a major cause of insomnia. If your teen is struggling with depression, they should have a physical with your family doctor to make sure there aren’t any serious medical problems that need attention.
A National Sleep Foundation survey found that college/university-aged students get an average of 6.8 hours of sleep each night. Partying, working, and a full class load are the main contributing factors to sleep deprivation among college students
Caffeine can have a pronounced effect on sleep, causing insomnia and restlessness. Although sugar can give a burst of energy, it's short-lived and can cause uneven blood sugar levels. This can disrupt sleep in the middle of the night as blood sugar levels fall.
Tryptophan is an amino acid that is a precursor to serotonin, which is then converted to melatonin which is a natural sleep hormone. Carbohydrate snacks such as whole grain crackers before bedtime may help to promote sleep.
Magnesium is a natural sedative. Deficiency of magnesium can result in difficulty sleeping, constipation, muscle tremors or cramps, anxiety, irritability, and pain.
Light exposure plays a key role in telling the body when to go to sleep and when to wake up. Gentle, slow music is another remedy that can help to improve sleep without medication.
Music has been found to improve sleep quality, decrease nightly wakening, lengthen sleep time, and increase satisfaction with sleep.
This speech about teens and sleeping should be given at every junior high orientation.
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