Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Look At Sleep Apnea And Its Cause, Warning Signs and Diagnosis

Sleep apnea is one of several common sleep disorders and the commonest type of sleep apnea is what is known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and is a condition marked by periods during which breathing stops while you are sleeping. From time to time this disorder is called sleep apnea syndrome or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

In otherwise healthy individuals the muscles that work the upper part of the throat ensure that the air flow in and out of the lungs is continuous and steady. While you are sleeping these muscles relax somewhat but still manage to do their job properly. However those individuals who suffer from sleep apnea generally have airways which are narrowed for one reason or another and therefore when the throat muscles relax this causes the airway to partially or completely close up thereby stopping the passage of air to the lungs. Snoring and labored breathing resulting in a sleep apnea episode will then be seen.

In some individuals breathing can also stop completely during periods of deep (or REM) sleep and researchers and medical experts are unsure about just why this happens. These periods during which breathing stops can last for as long as ten seconds or more and are referred to as apneic events or sleep apnea episodes.

These apneic events lead to an awareness that you have ceases breathing and you subsequently struggle to start breathing again which is generally accompanied by choking, gasping or even snorting.

Thereafter it is normal to fall into a period of light sleep before the pattern of sleep apnea episodes returns.

The effect is that a person suffers from fragmented sleep which does not allow them to enjoy amount of rest that they need on a nightly basis. This in turn leads to a number of health problems including excessive daytime tiredness. One reason for this daytime symptom is simply that the level of oxygen in the blood stream falls markedly during an apnea episode leading to a condition called hypoxia.

It is very important to be aware that many individuals with sleep apnea are not aware of their problem and often it is left to others to bring the problem to their attention. Sleep apnea sufferers are usually aware of being very tired during the day but do not necessarily know why this is the case.

The commonest symptoms of sleep apnea include loud and habitual snoring, awakening in the morning and not feeling rested, morning headaches, problems with concentration, alterations in personality, falling asleep at inappropriate times, hypertension, hyperactivity (in children) and swelling of the legs. The symptoms ought not to be disregarded because the danger of sleep apnea is very real.

The initial step in diagnosing sleep apnea should be a visit to your doctor who will read through your medical history and examine your neck, throat and mouth for any growths or abnormalities. If sleep apnea is suspected your physician will send you for a sleep study and what is known as a polysomnogram. This test records eye movement, brain waves, breathing rate, muscle activity, heart rate, oxygen levels in the blood and how much air is being both inhaled and exhaled during sleep.

Sleep apnea is an extremely common disorder which often goes unrecognized but which can be very dangerous and which can also usually be effectively treated.