Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lucid Dreaming: How To Dream What You Want To Dream

Lucid dreaming is where you are in a dream and actually notice that you're dreaming. We all dream regularly but we don't often remember what we dreamed about. When you start to take control of your dreams, you're starting to dream lucidly.

So how easy is it to learn to dream lucidly? And, given that most dreams a pretty odd anyway, why on earth would you want to start to control them?

It will take a bit of practice to learn how to dream lucidly, but it's likely easier than many of the other things you've already learned so don't worry.

Up until now, you've probably known when you've dreamed, but only if it was a particularly vivid dream. We all dream every night, several times a night. The thing is, we forget almost all the dreams we have. It's actually quite rare for us to remember our dreams unless we put our mind to it.

Keep a notebook and pen handy, close to where you sleep. If you haven't got a bedside light, you may want a small flashlight as well. This book is your own private dream journal.

Each time you wake up, the first thing you do should be to write down as many details as you can remember from your most recent dream. At first, this likely won't be much detail. But within a few days, you'll find yourself remembering more about more dreams.

Once you've been using your dream journal for a few days, it's likely that you'll start to notice some common patterns in the dreams you've written down. Maybe you're flying in them. Many people find their dreams involve rising water or even drowning. It doesn't matter what your dream subject is, just go with the flow. It's one of your minds ways of resolving the various issues you come up against in the day. You can interpret your dreams with one of the many different dream interpretation books you can find online or in Amazon.

The next step is to start to control your dreams. This is where the fun begins! Lucid dreaming is a big subject but you're already a lot closer to it than most people, just by starting your journal of dreams. You can find out more about lucid dreaming here.