Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sleep Apnia Treatment Options

You might have sleep apnia if you snore very loudly during sleep cycles and constantly feel tired in the day even though you had a normal night's sleep. If you have been observed to stop breathing for certain periods of time while sleeping, you may be suffering from sleep disorders. So how to sleep better?

There are many forms of sleep aids including sleep medication, devices and even surgeries. Apart from these, changing personal habits could help in in curing sleep apnia.

Avoid addictive substances such as nicotine which is harmful to your health. You should stop smoking and avoid alcohol and medicines that cause drowsiness since such substances can cause your airways to close during sleep by interrupting your sleep cycles.

If you are overweight, go on a sensible diet and exercise regime that not only helps keep your body in shape and increase self confidence, your health improves and reduces symptoms of sleep apnia. A way to keep your airway open during sleep cycles is by sleeping on your side.

Some doctors say it is helpful to use devices such as specially designed masks that force airways to keep open during sleep with air pressure. There are dental sleep apnia devices known as CPAP machines that prevent your airway from being blocked by your tongue falling back into your throat. Misalign teeth and saliva build up are some uncomfortable side effects from using these devices. Some anti-snoring devices also cause users to have headaches, dry mouth and dry nose.

You can also consider undergoing surgery to help with your sleep apena disorder. Consult your doctor to get the most reliable information. In surgery, excess flesh from the uvula at the back of your throat is removed and the soft palate and pharynx made tighter. To improve sleep cycles and help prevent sleep apnia, other nasal surgeries may be performed.