Monday, October 20, 2008

5 Easy Ways To Stop Your Nightmares

It is thought that around one in five people have a nightmare instead of a dream at least once a week.

Now that's quite a scary statistic, especially if you're one of those people unlucky enough to have a nightmare regularly.

So if you are always awakening in the dead of night in a cold sweat after your dreams have turned into a nightmare, is there anything you can do to cut down your nightmares?

1. Check your medication

Some medicines have the side effect that they can cause nightmares. If you've just started a new medication, that should be on your suspect list. Go back to your doctor and change your medicine if necessary.

2. Relax more

Quite often, if you have a nightmare, it's our body's way to say that we're stressed out out. Sure, it would be nice if your body didn't tell you this by giving you nightmares but then there's a good chance you'd ignore gentler signals. Get hold of a relaxation MP3 and then play it to yourself to help you relax. If you're able to identify what's stressing you out, make it a target to cut them out of your life or at least cut down their effect.

3. Reduce your coffee intake

I know, it's that culprit again. There's no need to cut it out cmopletely from your life. But be very careful how close to bedtime it is when you drink your final cup. It's not just the usual suspects, some pain killers include caffeine, so check the label and change brand if necessary.

4. Get some deep sleep

Sure, that sounds easier said than done. After all, your nightmares are waking you up and that's not exactly helping you get decent sleep. Begin by making your bedtime a routine rather than an erratic time each night.

5. Listen to a hypnosis track

Because you're likely stressed and your mind is busy dreaming up all these nasty scenarios in an effort to see how scared it can make you, hypnosis is an excellent way to sort it out. You can get hold of download a simple hypnosis track which will help eradicate your nightmares. It's quick, easy and it works.