Monday, October 13, 2008

Know Sleeping Disorder: The Night Tim Killer

Sleeping disorder is a known medical disorder termed as somnipathy in medical terminology. It is a disorder which can be an adequate cause to obstruct the normal performance of human body functions.

Sleeping is the time that the body mind get rest, resuscitate, and prepare for next morning. A large percentage of Americans have are diagnosed having sleeping disorder.
Insomnia is known sleeping disorder, portrayed by our habitual inability to fall sleeping for reasonable period of time. It is a symptom that may cause insomnia among us, because of stress, taking caffeine products like tea, and poor sleeping behavior.

Medical Test for Diagnosis of the Sleep Problem

The normal medical sleep disorder test to diagnose the nature of disorder is the polysomnogram. Polysomnogram (PSG) is the recording procedure (gram) of sleep pattern of the patient (somno) of his multi-channels (poly) performance. The resultant of sleep study is polysomnography. Medical practitioners diagnose through polysomnogram if the patient has ‘obstructive sleep apnea’

Medically a sleep disorder test will help the doctor to understand the nature of sleeping disorder. As there are many incidences of obstructions in our breathing system, that if go on for ten seconds and more time at each occurrence, thus decreasing oxygen supply in our blood system to dangerously lower level leading our heart to make an uphill struggle to keep us survive.

Symptoms of Sleeping Disorder

Our faculty to concentrate and think and alertness becomes very weak. The system of managing information, decision making capacity and the precision in taking decisions suffer most. The chances of occurrences of problems associated with functioning of our mind such as irritability, glumness and disposition become possible. The possibility of work-related injury as well goes up as an out come of our sleeping disorder.

Types of Sleeping Disorder

The types include:
‘Snoring’: When we make uneven, rasping sound while we sleep because of our gaping mouth. It causes snoring; this sets off a series of vibrations in our soft palate and uvula. This situation is a result of an obstacle in our breathing path.

‘Sleepwalking’ – It is termed as somnambulism and noctambulism (noc·tam·bu·lism) also. We might suffer from the disorder of walking during our sleep or we perform similar other act related with our condition of sleeplessness. Sleep walking or somnambulism or noctambulism is not a dangerous sleeping disorder as such in all cases, but in some cases this could lead to health risks those could be cause of physical harm.

Narcolepsy is a sleeping disorder that could put us unexpectedly and hysterically in to sleep; at times this may happen with paralysis. This no doubt is a chronic situation; sadly there is no know recognized medical treatment known to treat narcolepsy, the management of narcolepsy is done through meditation.