Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why Should You Try a Sleep Apnea Pillow?

As professionals better understand the problem, there are more and more solutions being offered.An option might be a sleep apnea pillow as they are becoming more well known.

You've probably already heard the term sleep apnea, which refers to the stoppage of breathing during sleep.  There are many reasons for this but like with snoring, it can happen when a person is sleeping on their back and the mouth falls open.The tongue may fall over the throat and cause the airways to become covered or fatty tissue along the back of the throat has the same effect.  A  sleep apnea pillow is designed to keep a person from sleeping on their back so that these conditions don't occur.

In the past patients that snore or are affected by sleep apnea were told to put a tennis ball on their back so that if they roll onto their back they will feel uncomfortable forcing them to roll back to their side.Just imagine how painful this can be!A sleep apnea pillow is capable of holding the head and back in a comfortable position since it is a large foam type pillow.  There are many different varieties from which to choose; some are like regular pillows and wrap around the head and neck to keep it from turning.

Another type of sleep apnea pillow is one that wraps around the midsection and back to keep a person sleeping on their side.  This works something like the tennis ball trick but of course it's much more comfortable.At the end of the day would you rather have a cold hard tennis ball digging into your back or a soft and firm sleep apnea pillow sleep apnea pillow supporting you.  Obviously the pillow is preferred by most!Your sleep won't be disturbed and you will be more comfortable all evening.

Another different kind of sleep apnea pillow interfaces with a CPAP machine.  This pillow has inserts in which you can nestle the hoses for the CPAP machine, making it easier and more comfortable to use.  If you use a CPAP machine you may want to consider a sleep apnea pillow with it as well to keep you comfortable and the hoses out of your way.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Be Careful of Used CPAP Machines

If you need to buy a used CPAP machine because you have sleep apnea or for some other reason, one way to save some dough is to buy the equipment from a private individual.  {However, as with anything else that you may buy secondhand, you do want to be careful of a few things before purchasing.}  Here are some things to consider when in the market for used CPAP machine.

As with any breathing machine, a medical professional will need to instruct you on how it is used properly.  If you're looking at used CPAP machines this means you'll probably be purchasing from a private seller who may or may not be able to show you the proper adjustment of this machine.  Remember that too much oxygen pressure is not good for your lungs and too little oxygen defeats the purpose of the machine in the first place.  While you may assume that you can figure the machine on your own or that the private seller of any used CPAP machines can show you how to use it properly, don't take this for granted.  CPAP machines are pieces of medical equipment like anything else but of course are more complicated than just a pair of crutches or an Ace bandage. 

It's also important that used CPAP machines work properly; they need to have proper sealing around all parts of it or else there will be some leakage.  If the hoses or any of the sealants are loose or leaking, you're not getting enough oxygen.  Again, this defeats the entire purpose of using the machine in the first place.  It's imperative that used CPAP machines be examined carefully and thoroughly just as you would a used car or any other complicated piece of machinery that you might purchase secondhand.

In theory there's no harm in purchasing a used CPAP machine.  You can save literally hundreds of dollars by purchasing something secondhand and usually those machines last so long that they'll work well for years.  Usually you can locate used CPAP machines on eBay along with other site on the Internet, or you can request a recommendation from your doctor.  He or she may know of a place that sells items that are used and that can save you some money in the long run; never be afraid to talk to your doctor about this subject.

Why Worry About Sleep Apnea?

{Have you heard of the condition called sleep apnea?}  Have you been told that you have this condition?  If that is the case, you need treatment right away because it is dangerous and can be deadly.

The term "apnea" refers to a cessation of breathing.  Swimmers practice static apnea, meaning holding their breath for longer periods of time.  If you have sleep apnea, you stop breathing while you sleep.  Usually this is just for a few moments; the body has many safeguards in place to protect it from such problems.  As someone with sleep apnea stops breathing while sleeping, their body will react to restart breathing again.  But usually this involves actually waking up if even for a few seconds so breathing can be started.Sometimes a person suffering from sleep apnea may not even be aware that they are waking up at times so they may not understand why they are constantly feeling tired during the day.  In reality those who have extreme cases of sleep apnea may wake up several times during the night which means they never get the quality, deep sleep that they need and that's important for their overall health.  So they go through their day feeling fatigued and rundown and not realizing why.  {This lack of quality sleep is related to many health problems, including daytime drowsiness, headaches, mood swings and irritability, and a buildup of toxins in the blood.}  Because the body actually stops breathing, even momentarily, sleep apnea can also cause brain damage because the brain is not supposed to go without oxygen for any length of time, even those few moment.  In some cases a patient has not been able to wake up in order to get themselves breathing again and this has resulted in death.

Sleep apnea shouldnot be dismissed as a minor irritation as the reality is that it can have quite serious consequences.  A doctor can perform a physical exam and give recommendations for treating your own case of sleep apnea and in some cases a CPAP machine might be recommended to keep oxygen coming into the body on a regular basis.It may be time to do something about an obesity problem if it is this that is causing your condition. It could be that you just need to shift some excess weight.

Discovering How to Stop Snoring Effectively

There are about forty-five percent of people that have a snoring problem, many of whom are searching to find out how to stop snoring. Snoring bothers both the person that snores and the person sleeping with them. Sometimes it bothers the person sleeping in the next room also. Many times these people need to move farther away to get away from the noise.


Today, there are many different methods that can be used in how to stop snoring. The first and least expensive method is to look at any lifestyle changes that the person can make that might help to reduce or stop snoring altogether. Dairy products produce more mucus in the body, so reducing intake of these products before bedtime is one method in how to stop snoring. As eating prior to bedtime tends to increase the amount of snoring it is suggested that you do not only not over eat but that you also avoid eating right before going to bed. Alcohol, smoking and lack of exercise also exacerbate snoring, so decreasing or quitting these activities can help to reduce the snoring problem.

People searching for how to stop snoring can also find stop snoring aids that are fairly inexpensive to try. To reduce swelling in the throat, tonsils, and uvula, you may try some of the throat sprays. They also help to lubricate the throat passage which tends to allow the air a freer passage. Also, nasal expander strips are available to facilitate opening nasal passages at night to permit freer breathing through the nose instead of the mouth.

More expensive methods of how to stop snoring are buying specialty pillows or mattresses that help to train the body to sleep on the side instead of the back, thus reducing snoring. These items are specially formed so that it is more comfortable to lay on the side rather than the back. In addition, there are chin straps and mouth sealing devices that can be obtained to keep the mouth closed during the night and train the person to breathe through their nose during the night instead of the mouth. There are also mouthpieces that help to hold the tongue in place so that it doesn't drop to the back of the throat, blocking the passage of air.

For those with more extreme problems with snoring, there are surgical methods to remove or shrink the palate and throat tissue, as well as tissue reduction treatments to reduce the size of the tissue in the tongue.


Disclaimer - The information contained in this article is provided for your general information only. This should not be considered as medical advice. Under no circumstances does this article recommend any particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases we recommend that you consult your physician or local treatment center before pursuing any course of treatment.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Different Snoring Remedies

It is estimated that about forty five percent of people snore, which is not always a problem for the person doing the snoring as much as it is a problem for the partner who sleeps with them.  Snoring can be a life threatening condition, however, and it is important to monitor what type of snoring is happening and how it affects sleep patterns.  People who wake up in the morning and do not feel rested, have headaches, fall asleep at inappropriate times, have memory difficulties and low energy may have a more serious problem and should consult a doctor about it because they may be suffering from sleep apnea, which means they stop breathing multiple times during the night which can be fatal if left untreated.

In order for those with sleep apnea to stop snoring, a doctor should be called in and serious snoring remedies taken to correct the problem.  People with sleep apnea actually stop breathing at different points during the night which stops the oxygen flow to the brain.  Usually this wakes people up, sometimes choking or gasping since they are unable to breathe.  Other times it awakens them without them being conscious of it so that they can change positions and sleep again until the next occurrence.

Those with sleep apnea will awaken up to one hundred times per night which leaves them feeling exhausted, sometimes with headaches in the morning, memory difficulties and a low energy level throughout the day.  One say to stop snoring with this condition is to use a continuous positive air pressure device, otherwise known as a CPAP.  This device uses a mask that people sleep with which ensures continuous air flow throughout the night, thus ensuring restful sleep.

Other Treatments For those who do not have sleep apnea but want to stop snoring, there are some simple treatments that they can try.  One is to monitor what they are eating before bed so that they do not eat too much in the evening and also decrease their intake of alcohol, dairy products as well as caffeine.  In addition, getting more exercise and not smoking will also help to stop snoring.

There are pillows and mattresses on the market that are designed to help a person learn to sleep on their sides instead of their backs which helps to stop snoring.  In addition, there are devices such as chin straps that can train people to breathe out of their noses during the night instead of their mouths, which also is beneficial in stopping snoring.  Throat sprays, nasal dilators and mouth pieces can also help to clear airways and open nasal passages so that the snoring problem is reduced or stopped altogether.

Get more on insomnia and sleep disorders visit stop snoring as well as cures for snoring

Saturday, December 27, 2008

What is a Snoring Mouth Guard and How Does it Work?

Many people who snore have found great relief with the use of a snoring mouth guard, a small oral appliance that you wear during sleep that helps to keep your mouth in place so that you'll snore much less.  This is something to consider not just for your own health and ability to sleep but for anyone that might be in the same room as you!  Now we will learn about the functioning of a snoring mouth guard and how it can be obtained.

Typically a snoring mouth guard resembles the kind of mouth guard that could be worn by a professional athlete.  Resting comfortably in the mouth, they gently maintain a forward position of the jaw.  This assists in preventing the mouth from opening up while you sleep so you will breathe through your mouth less often, which will decrease snoring.  {The mouth often does not keep the alignment that it's supposed to have during sleep and often this misalignment can cause snoring.}  Everything in the mouth has a tendency to relax during sleep which can be prevented with a snoring mouth guard.

While it might sound strange to be sleeping with a snoring mouth guard, they're typically very comfortable and some report that they actually relieve some pain and tension in the jaw.  This guard allows the mouth to "lean" against it and relaxes the muscles so they do not get too tense.  Since everything is in proper alignment the muscles of the jaw are less likely to be overused or overextended.

A snoring mouth guard typically needs to be fitted by a doctor because it must fit in your mouth precisely.   It should be of your size otherwise a looser one would be useless and a tighter one uncomfortable.   A dentist too can typically take a mold of your mouth and design a snoring mouth guard just for you.

Your insurance may not cover the cost of a snoring mouth guard but many people report that they're well worth the cost.  Proper and consistent use can potentially lead to reduced pain and a higher quality of sleep.  If you're a snorer, for your sake, as well as those in your household, consider this and talk with your physician or dental expert about it.

Rest for You and Your Partner: Stop Snoring Remedies

Lifestyle changes can be an inexpensive stop snoring remedy and has been shown to reduce or stop snoring. One in two people snore, according to statistics, so this is a problem that most households face in one extreme or another. Simple stop snoring remedies are a way for couples to get some much needed rest.

Health Cures

There are a number of factors for snoring issues, ranging from blocked nasal passages caused by allergens or cold, to deviated septum, or inflammed tonsils or uvula. Snoring occurs when the soft tissue of the upper palate or throat vibrate, making the irritating snoring sound.

People who are overweight often have a snoring problem because there is increased tissue in the throat area that can close off the air passages when sleeping and cause snoring. Diet and exercise so that weight is decreased can help to reduce snoring and also be better for the person as a whole.

Another stop snoring remedy is reducing alcohol and smoking, both of which exacerbate snoring problems. Other stop snoring remedies include not eating dairy products in the evening since they increase mucus levels which clog the throat and nasal passages. Not eating large meals right before bedtime also helps to reduce or eliminate snoring problems.

Sleeping Position

Most people know that when a person sleeps on his back he is more likely to have his mouth open and snore. Both the sleeping position and having the mouth open are problems that stop snoring remedies can help to stop, which helps to reduce or stop snoring. There are different pillows that a person can buy that mold to the shape of the head, neck and shoulders when sleeping on the side so that it is more comfortable that sleeping on the back, almost making it impossible to sleep flat on the back any longer. There are also mattresses that are designed to do the same thing, which helps the mouth to stay closed and reduces snoring.

Other stop snoring remedies include chin straps, mouth sealants and mouth pieces. Chin straps help to gently hold the mouth closed while sleeping so that the person learns to breathe from his nose rather than mouth at night. Mouth sealants are usually strips that also help to hold the mouth closed during the night. Mouth pieces are usually fitted by a dentist so that it forms properly to a person's mouth and holds the tongue in place so that the back of it does not slip into the throat area and block it, causing snoring.

The information contained in this article is provided for your general information only. This should not be considered as medical advice. Under no circumstances does this article recommend any particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases we recommend that you consult your physician or local treatment center before pursuing any course of treatment.

Is There a Cure? Tips to Stop Snoring

Although there is not one snoring cure that works for all people due to the various causes of snoring, there are different tips to stop snoring that can be helpful to reduce or stop snoring altogether. A blocked nose, the base of the tongue falling back into the throat, an enlarged uvula or swollen tonsils as well as a deviated septum can all be conditions that cause snoring. Some things that can cause snoring are laying on your back while sleep, having your mouth open, and sleep apnea.

Lifestyle Changes

The easiest tips to stop snoring are making changes to the lifestyle. Being overweight can cause snoring due to the extra flesh in the throat area which can block the passage of air during the night. In addition, smoking, alcohol and caffeine can exacerbate snoring in some people, so reducing these habits or stopping altogether can solve a snoring problem. Another tip to stop snoring is to not overeat before bedtime as well as not eating dairy products in the evening, since they tend to create more mucus that can cause snoring.

Sleeping Position

Sleeping on the back is commonly known to cause snoring, so changing the sleeping position of the person who snores can reduce or eliminate snoring according to tips to stop snoring. Some pillows on the market are particularly designed. They can mold to the body, majorly the head and shoulder regions. Therefore users sleep on the side more comfortably than sleep on the back. There are mattresses that are also designed to be more comfortable sleeping on the side rather than the back, thus encouraging that position and reducing snoring.

Breathing through the Nose

Other tips to stop snoring include training the person to sleep with his mouth closed so that he breathes through his nose, thus reducing or eliminating snoring. There are nasal dilation devices that hold open the nasal passages through a strip that goes across the bridge of the nose. There are also mouth sealants and chin straps that gently hold the person's mouth closed during the night to encourage breathing through the nose rather than the mouth. 

Other Options

If the aforementioned strategies fail, there are even more advanced methods and tips to stop snoring. Surgery is one option, in which the surgeons remove or reduce the palate or throat tissue which will usually reduce or eliminate snoring.  In addition, there is radio frequency tissue reduction, or RFTR, in which a needle is stuck into the tongue so that the tissue inside is reduced but the taste buds remain intact.

The information contained in this article is provided for your general information only. This should not be considered as medical advice. Under no circumstances does this article recommend any particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases we recommend that you consult your physician or local treatment center before pursuing any course of treatment.

7 Exercises That Can Help Stop Snoring

The sound of snoring is caused by air struggling to pass through your nose and throat. If they are blocked or obstructed in some way, it can lead to snoring.

One of the more common reasons for snoring is when the muscles in the neck and throat are not well toned. With some simple daily exercises, you can firm up those muscles which will often help with your snoring. Exercises are known to be one of those snoring remedies.

Ask any professional singer and they'll tell you how important it is to do exercise daily that will help keep their air passages clear. Singers do exercises that help to tone their jaws, their tongues and their throats. Strong muscles in these areas will help them perform better.

These same type of exercises can help with a snoring problem in many cases, by helping to keep the airways clear and breathing easier.

Besides, you never know - these exercise might just help you win American Idol some day!

Here are 7 easy exercises that you can do anywhere to help tone your muscles:

1. Slowly open and close your mouth, to its fullest. Do it in a controlled way and ensure that your lips meet when your mouth is closed.

2. Pucker up as if you're going to blow someone a kiss, then hold it for 5 seconds before relaxing.

3. Practice your smile - make it big and exaggerated. Hold it for 5 second before relaxing.

4. Press your lips together and hold them tightly for 5 seconds, then relax.

5. Press your lips together and then make a sipping noise, as if you were sipping a drink.

6. Stick your tongue out as far as you can. Keep it straight and horizontal - don't let it droop.

7. Stick your tongue out to it's maximum and then move it side to side - touching the corner of your lips on both sides.

Practice these exercises for a few minutes every day and you may find your snoring problem will disappear before you know it.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Tips on How to Address Snoring in Children

It's really not a good idea to ignore the problem of snoring in children, no matter how difficult it might be to address this issue.  Children are sensitive to seeming different and may resist treatment if they feel their friends will know.  {However snoring in children can be a serious problem, and yet usually can be fixed relatively easily.}  {So if you're looking to address this problem with your child, here are some quick tips you might want to consider.}

When addressing the issue of snoring in children, you can remind your child that this is a problem that many adults face.  Reminders that this is out of their control just like a pimple or a cavity can help.  Explaining the reasons that snoring is unhealthy, like it can damage your throat and mouth, and cause headaches and sore throat, may help children be more amenable to solutions.  You can also point out that usually a few simple things can be done to fix the problem.

As with adults, usually snoring in children can be addressed with simple throat drops or sprays.  These coat the throat and keep it moist throughout the night so that there is less rattling when a person breathes through their mouth.  A good snore pillow can also help the problem of snoring in children, and they may appreciate such a subtle fix to the problem.  A good snore pillow will cradle their head and neck and keep it from falling back, forcing them to breathe through their mouth during sleep.  {Often a snore pillow is recommended to those who need support for their upper back and shoulders and can relieve muscle tension as well.}  This is good for the problem of snoring in children if they're going to a sleepover at their friend's house as people can rarely tell the difference between a snore pillow and a typical pillow!  

Of course severe cases of snoring in children can and should be addressed by a doctor.  Difficulty breathing may bring about snoring, so, of course, it needs to be looked at by a doctor.

How to Choose the Right Anti Snore Device

Do you snore? If so then you'd do well to investigate any type of anti snore device available to you, since snoring is so much more than a minor annoyance. Chronic and deep snoring can damage the throat, result in morning headaches, and interrupt the sleep of not just the snorer but everyone around him or her as well. Disturbed sleep can cause fatigue, short-temperedness and even nausea in the day. In extreme cases lack of regular sleep is even linked to early death! So choosing and using an anti snore device is no doubt imperative for a person's health and well being.

However, if you're in the market for an anti snore device you may have noticed the many different varieties and types available to you. But what is the best kind and how do you know that you're using it effectively?

You have to make sure that any anti snore device you choose is going to rectify your particular cause of snoring. If you have excessive tissue in the area of the soft palate, the tissue on the roof of the mouth near the back, then a snore pillow probably won't help. If you snore because you have plugged sinuses then you need to clear those sinuses or you'll wind up breathing through your mouth no matter what you do. Finding the right anti snore device is critical for the best results.

Usually seeing a doctor when you snore excessively is a safe bet so that he or she can give you an examination and determine if your snoring is a result of sinuses or soft palate tissue or anything else. He or she can then typically also recommend an anti snore device for you, whether it's a snore pillow or mouth guard or even just some simple throat drops and sprays. A mouth guard can help to keep your mouth and jaw in line so that you're less likely to breathe through your mouth when sleeping. In extreme cases you may even need to use a CPAP machine, which is like an oxygen tank that pushes oxygen into your system on a continuous basis. This type of anti snore device is not widely used for snoring but it can mean the difference between getting a good night's sleep or not. Considering how dangerous snoring actually is to your health, it's definitely worth checking out!


Have You Considered Trying Snoring Earplugs?

If you have a partner that snores excessively, you may be at your wit's end trying to get some sleep yourself.  Although snoring may seem like a minor annoyance, relationships have ended because of it!  But before you pack your bags - or worse, give in to the temptation of holding a pillow over that person's face while they sleep - why not consider using some snoring earplugs?  These tiny devices can provide the comfort you need to finally get a good night's sleep regardless of the noise coming from the person next to you.  Here are some tips to remember when choosing and using snoring earplugs.

Remember that you're going to need to get some sleep when wearing these, so your snoring earplugs should be very comfortable.  You don't want the same type of earplugs that you might wear during other times such as when swimming; these types of earplugs might not be comfortable enough to let you sleep soundly.  Earplugs designed to completely block the sound of snoring are usually made of softer foam than other earplugs, and they fit comfortably but snugly so you are able to sleep.  This foam material is also typically just strong enough to keep its shape so that you don't need to readjust them during the night.

Some snoring earplugs are meant to fit over the ears like headphones but of course they're not quite that big.  These models are perfect for those who find that the smaller earplugs fall out over the course of the night.  It can take a bit of time to get used to the feeling, but over-the-ear snoring earplugs are comfy to wear and offer the best level of noise protection.

Of course addressing the snoring problem at its root is best for everyone involved; snoring earplugs are a good fix for the partner but if the snorer can be cured of their problem this is healthier for everyone involved.  Snoring can interrupt the sleep of everyone including the snorer himself or herself, so getting the problem fixed is typically recommended.  Easy home remedies may include drops and sprays normally available at pharmacies, use of a humidifier in the bedroom, and snore pillows that provide support to the head and neck or making the snorer sleep on his or her side.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Difficulties in Sleeping with Fibromyalgia

It’s almost a given that if you have fibromyalgia, you’re also going to be plagued with sleep problems. There’s no escaping the fact that fibromyalgia and sleep disturbances go hand-in-hand. “Alpha-EEG anomaly” is a common type of sleep ailment experienced by fibromyalgia patients. With this condition, the person sleeps all night but wakes up feeling like he’s barely rested. This happens because the person’s brain activity is similar to that of a person who isn’t sleeping. This is only one of the sleep difficulties associated with fibromyalgia. Others will be outlined in the remainder of this article.

Patients with fibromyalgia may also suffer from the problems of Restless Leg Syndrome which is caused by something going wrong in the part of the nervous system that controls leg movement. Due to this condition, the patient may feel an irrepressible desire to move his legs or experience itchiness, a crawling sensation, or the feeling of “pins and needles” in his legs. These unusual feelings create problems in being able to sleep soundly and don’t allow the person to relax as he needs to do. Sleep problems, in turn, can result in even more severe fibromyalgia symptoms.

The condition known as sleep apnea can also disrupt the sleep of the fibromyalgia patient causing what is known as fibromyalgia fatigue. Sleep apnea disrupts the person’s breathing hundreds of times during the night, and he is then unable to get the good night’s sleep he needs so badly. Sleep apnea and the lack of sleep it results in can cause the patient to suffer from more severe fibromyalgia symptoms as well as to feel overwhelmingly tired. After all, when a person doesn’t sleep, his body has no opportunity to make the needed repairs that are normally taken care of during normal sleep.

The general consensus amongst medical professionals is that this lack of sleep incurred by most fibromyalgia patients is one of the main causes of the discomfort the patient suffers. When a person’s body isn’t able to relax and repair itself, more unfavorable symptoms will occur. These unfavorable symptoms manifest themselves as pain and exhaustion, two things which a fibromyalgia patient definitely doesn’t need more of.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Here are some snoring aids that you can make on your own

Do you snore?  If so you're not alone.  Many people are affected to various degrees by this annoying and awkward habit.  Extreme cases of snoring, mean loud snoring or noises that sound like gasping, wheezing, or choking should be addressed by a doctor as they may mean a more serious condition.  For the millions of people who have only a mild problem, here are some quick and easy homemade remedies to try.

One of the things that can cause snoring is when the head falls back below neck level, causing the mouth to fall open.  Breathing through your mouth dries up the throat and thus creates snoring.  So many homemade snoring aids will address both the position of your head and the dryness of the throat.  One thing that many people find effective is to keep the head of the bed propped up; this will keep your own head from falling backwards. You might not think of a couple of old books as being homemade snoring aids but if you put them under the legs of the bed at the head of it you'll find it very effective.

To keep your throat moist and hydrated, think of a good warm mist humidifier or vaporizer as easy snoring aids. These little devices will keep the bedroom from being too dry and can help to keep the throat coated and moist even if you do happen to start breathing through your mouth.  

You can also use some menthol, eucalyptus, or marjoram as well.  These are other options for overcoming snoring since they keep the sinuses open allowing air to bypass your mouth.  Usually you can find these items at a health food store or natural foods store.  Sometimes these are identified as snoring aids, since people use them for this purpose.

If you have a deviated septum, clogged sinuses, or a problem with your soft palate, naturally these homemade remedies will not be enough.  These things will block your breathing and cause you to snore no matter what.  If you've tried homemade snoring aids and still notice a problem, it's time to see your doctor for his or her advice.

Simple Stop Snoring Exercises.

If you snore there are of course many things you can do to help alleviate this problem, from drops and sprays to a simple humidifier in the bedroom.  Some kind of breathing problem might also be the reason behind why a person snores but doing stop snoring exercises can easily treat it.  Let's take a look at what we mean by that.

Unlike other exercises, these stop snoring exercises are designed to help you with your breathing and to improve your lung function.  When your lungs are stronger you're less likely to be choking, gasping, or wheezing during your sleep and are more likely to be able to breathe freely through your nose.  When you have less lung capacity you're more likely to be breathing through your mouth in order to get enough air and can be making all those other sounds as well.  Simple stop snoring exercises involve stretching and breathing and can be very effective when done right before bed.

To get started with your snoring exercises, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and take a few very deep breaths, exhaling very slowly. Shrug your shoulders slightly and roll your head slowly from side to side.  Then, you should reach both hands over your head while inhaling; then, exhale while lowering your arms to your sides.   Do this a few times as you feel your lungs stretch and expand.  You might have a problem the first few nights you try your stop snoring exercises, but if you continue with them you'll notice that your lungs can handle deeper breaths more and more each time.  Simple stretching and breathing exercise may also be added but straining and excessive activity should be avoided before going to bed.  Your stop snoring exercises are simply meant to stretch your muscles and to get your lungs to breathe deeply and easily.  Adding simply stretching to your back can help you to relax as you sleep and to keep your upper body from getting tense.  If your neck isn't tense you're less likely to have your jaw fall open and to start breathing through your mouth.  If you need more structured stop snoring exercises, try a simple tai chi or yoga routine as these usually emphasize easy stretching and deep breathing and typically can be done by anyone regardless of physical fitness level.

Discover What May Be Causing Your Snoring Problem

Understanding what can cause you to snore is the first step in curing your snoring problem. There are quite a few different causes of snoring, each of them treatable in different ways.

Snoring is, generally speaking, brought about by insufficient airflow in the back of the nose and mouth, specifically in the area where the soft palate and uvula come in contact with the upper part of the throat and the back of the tongue.

When these tissues make contact, they vibrate which results in the sound of snoring.

Lack of muscle tone in the throat and tongue are one reason people snore. If the muscles are too relaxed, they can cause the airway to become restricted, which causes blockage and ultimately snoring.

Since alcohol is a depressant, drinking can relax muscles to a point that causes snoring.  If you stop drinking around four hours before you plan on going to sleep, you will be able to reduce the possibility that you will snore.

Other depressants that produce similar results include antihistamines and sleeping pills.

Obesity can lead to restricted breathing by leaving deposits of fat on the throat and neck and thus is another leading cause of snoring.

Some allergies bring about snoring, especially those associated with congestion of the nasal passages, since such blockage makes it difficult to breathe and can cause an individual to snore.

Nasal decongestants are a better option than antihistamines when it comes to dealing with allergies because the latter are a potential cause of snoring.  When it comes to nighttime allergy relief, try to use primarily decongestants in order to prevent both allergy symptoms and snoring.

These are a few of the more common causes of snoring. Whether one of these problems sounds like it might be what is causing your snoring or not, it's best to discuss the problem with a health care professional to get their informed opinion.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

How Insomnia Victims Can Sleep Easily With Home Remedies For Insomnia

In the fast paced world today, it is not a surprise that people suffer from insomnia. They failed to get a good night's sleep because they adopt the routines that prevent them from sleeping normally. Here are a few natural sleep aids for adults to fall asleep easily.

Avoid caffeine: Try to get out of the habit of drinking coffee a couple of hours before going to bed. If you have insomnia already, simply stop having caffeine altogether. Read the labeling information carefully to see whether caffeine is present in soda, chocolates or even some of the over the counter medicines.

Use light and darkness to make you sleep easily: Daylight in the morning should greet you when you wake up as your brain is aware that another day has dawned. This keeps the body clock in a working condition. Similarly at night, make your room as dark as possible by turning off all lights.

Do not use the bed if it is not essential: You should only do two things on the bed and one of them is sleeping. Avoid reading or watch TV or do activities. Use separate rooms for doing non-sleeping activities. If you retain the main purpose of the bed, you would automatically feel like sleeping when you get into it.

Do not stay in bed awake: This is a continuation of one of the above tips to drop off. If you find it hard to fall asleep, don't waste your time tossing and turning for hours on the bed. Instead, what youo can do is to get up and start doing some fun activities. Don't think anymore about sleeping. Strange enough, you will feel like dozzing off afterwards.

Work out regularly: You could beat insomnia by doing physical workouts so the body feels the need to relax. Without it, the body may not feel the need to relax at all. Exercise everyday is good for your health. However, working out immediately before going to bed is a bad idea. This stimulates the senses and raises the pulse rate which results in the body not being ready for sleep so soon afterwards.

Avoid sweets at bedtime: Sweets give you energy which you don't need when you want to sleep. You may think that it can make you sleep but as you will awake when your blood sugar level drops too low.

Include your diet with tryptophan foods: Tryptophan, an amino acid, helps in the production of  serotonin which later converts into melatonin. This will make you fall asleep. One of the rich sources of melatonin is milk.

Use relaxation techniques: Some of the relaxation techniques can encourage better sleep. You need to do a few of these exercises for about twenty minutes before you call it a day. Exercises such as   body relaxation and visualization get your body ready to sleep. Some people find the tapes or CDs can help overcome insomnia. All of us need some effective natural sleep remedies every now and then. Changing the ways you do things every day can deprive of the sleep you need every night. It only takes a couple of minutes to analyse your habit and come up with better lifestyle choices.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Do Anti Snoring Devices Work

Snoring is more than just an annoying habit, regardless of how it's sometimes humorously portrayed in the movies and on television. Unfortunately some relationships have even ended due to one partner's snoring! But before you visit the divorce lawyer, you might want to consider the most effective anti snoring devices that are available today and that might provide a measure of relief.

Most anti snoring devices address the dryness of the throat that causes the sound called snoring. If you breathe through your mouth when you're awake, your throat is coated and doesn't make that rattling sound. But if you sleep with your mouth open the throat tissue of course gets dry and then the air passing over it when you breathe makes you snore. Some simple anti snoring devices that address this might be a good snore pillow which cradles the head and neck and keeps the mouth from falling open. This means the throat won't get dry and you'll be less likely to breathe through your mouth. While some anti snoring devices have been recommended to keep a person from sleeping on their back, these were usually abandoned because they were terribly uncomfortable. Yes, rolling onto a tennis ball sewn into your pajama's waistband might make you roll back onto your side but will probably also cause you some pain as well! So some new products are designed like pillows to cradle you on your side.

Other anti snoring devices that keep the throat coated include simple drops and sprays, or even a good humidifier in the bedroom. These work by keeping the throat moist eve if the mouth does happen to open.

Nasal strips are typically available at your local pharmacy and work to pull the outside of the nose out a bit, to keep the airway clear. There are also anti snoring devices prescribed by your doctor. A mouth guard can keep the jaw pushed forward and in proper alignment so you're less likely to breathe through your mouth. Most of these types of anti snoring devices are very effective for those who try them and offer a good measure of relief. So if you're suffering from snoring, either yours or your bedmate's, why not give them a try? You may find that you can finally sleep through the night without being bothered by snoring!

Effective Natural Snoring Remedies

Just about everyone snores from time to time, but for some people this habit can be more than just an occasional frustration. Snoring can be just a minor irritation to some people but to others it can be a major problem leading to exhaustion and throat damage or even divorce. But there are many natural natural snoring remedies that you can try that might work just as well as anything your doctor might prescribe. Let's take a look at some of these and see if they might work in your case.

Most natural snoring remedies work by coating the throat and mouth so that the skin and tissue doesn't get dry. When skin and tissue is dry this makes the sound we call snoring as air passes over them. Think of what coats your throat and keeps it moist. Quite a lot of people swear by honey. A good humidifier or vaporizer are also considered natural snoring remedies as they work to keep the mouth and throat moisturized; considering using either of these in your bedroom especially during the dry winter months.

Other natural snoring remedies work to keep the nasal passages open so that you can breathe easily through the nose rather than the mouth. Popular ones are eucalyptus or menthol; or you could try leaving open a a jar of marjoram. A cough drop before bedtime can help to keep your sinuses clear, just make sure that it's completely dissolved before you fall asleep so you don't risk choking on it. Your sinus remedies are all natural snoring remedies as well since they keep the nasal passages open.

Nasal strips that you purchase at the pharmacy can also be considered effective snoring remedies. These gently pull apart the nostrils so that the airways are not constricted. This helps to keep a person breathing through their nose rather than their mouth. People appreciate using these because it means no drugs or chemicals in the system and because they're so affordable as well. Propping up some pillows under the small of your back to keep you on your side can also work with your natural snoring remedies to cut down on your snoring. Try these remedies at home and don't hesitate to use more than one for the most amount of relief; you owe it to yourself and your bedmate to get a good night's sleep!

Friday, December 12, 2008

You CAN Fall Asleep

In this article, we will review several tips on helping a person fall asleep. How long does it take for an individual to fall asleep?This depends on a number of factors, including how tired the person is, what the person ate before they went to bed, and numerous other factors.If you have sleep problems, it could seem like hours before you fall asleep.

Insomnia Information: Insomnia means you find it extremely hard to go to sleep.It also can mean that staying asleep is difficult. Most people who struggle with insomnia say that they remember tossing and turning all night long, or remember being awake at night. Nights when I suffer insomnia I just can’t seem to turn my mind off, and often I can’t even close my eyes. Typically it takes me about a half hour to fall asleep, but my son is asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.

The TV helps me fall asleep -- I have it on a timer and it shuts off after 30 minutes.I also require total darkness, and my bedroom needs to be ice cold – even in the middle of summer. Of course, this will not help save energy!

There are so-called behavioral or natural treatments for insomnia. One relaxation technique is effected by tensing different muscle groups and then relaxing them. Another approach is to repeat a set of visualizations to produce a state of relaxation. My favorite visualization is lying in the sun on a Bahama beach.

It is also good to be able to manage the stress in your life; this will allow you to more easily relax at night and when it’s time to sleep. Another helpful method is to limit the time spent in the bedroom for non-sleep activities, thereby associating the bedroom with just sleeping.So take your computer, television, and office out of the bedroom. Reducing the use of stimulants such as caffeine, and avoiding large meals just before bed, can help reduce insomnia. A person can also try soaking in a hot bath to relax or listening to some soft music before going to bed.

Melatonin is an aid for helping people fall asleep. It is especially helpful for people who suffer from insomnia caused by jet lag or shift work. Melatonin occurs naturally in the body when serotonin is exposed to decreased light.

Other common over-the-counter (OTC) sleep aids such as Sominex or Nytol can also be tried by adults; however, one should consult their doctor before taking any of these sleep aids especially if you suffer from Parkinson’s disease, or are being treated for depression or other mental health problems. But it is also buying into the mindset of turning to a pill to solve a problem, which can be the beginning of problems in other areas of a person’s life. More insomnia info at bestinsomnia blog and how to stay asleep during the night.

It is advised that if you have trouble falling asleep and have tried all the natural tips in this article, then perhaps you should see a sleep therapist. So many people have developed sleep issues, there is now a sub-specialty in medicine for such problems. Since insomnia may be a symptom of another medical problem, it is best to get a consultation with your doctor and discuss your sleeping problems with him.

But even with all the tips on falling asleep, it is still different with each person on how to fall asleep.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Do You Know Your Cause of Snoring

If you snore and are looking to stop, have you figured out your particular cause of snoring? You might be thinking that the cause isn't as important as the cure, but in reality these two are linked in a very crucial way. If you don't know the real cause of snoring in your case, how can you correct it? Imagine trying to fix a pain in your knee without finding out what's causing the pain; you would probably just be wasting your time, money, and energies! So it's the same with snoring - you should find out the cause before you can address a possible cure.

What might be the cause of snoring in your case? Most people find that they snore whe they sleep on their back. This is because the back of the head becomes lower than the neck which in turn makes the mouth open. When the tissue gets dry in the mouth and throat, the air passing over it makes the sound we call snoring. This may be the most common cause of snoring and probably the easiest to fix. A good quality snore pillow can cradle the head and neck and keep everything in alignment so that the mouth won't fall open. There are also snore pillows that cradle a person when they're sleeping on their side so that they won't be inclined to roll over onto their backs. While a sleeping position may not be the cause of snoring in your case, a snoring pillow can offer a lot of support for the upper back and shoulders so it can be a worthy investment in any case.

Dry tissue in the throat is another common cause of snoring. When the tissue is dry it will create all sorts of sounds when a person is breathing. This too is a quick fix. For some, using throat sprays or a decent humidifier in the bedroom is enough to keep the throat moist while sleeping. If you're not sure if this is your cause of snoring, think of whether or not your throat is sore or scratchy when you wake up. If you have tried various non-prescription remedies that haven't worked than it is probably a good idea to visit your doctor so that you can get to your root cause of snoring and a personal plan that is going to help you.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Do Anti Snore Pillows Work?

Would you believe that you can actually get some relief from snoring, and in turn a good night's sleep, simply by using anti snore pillows? Many people find it hard to believe that a pillow can actually help them sleep but in reality, if you choose the right anti snore pillows and use them properly you may find that you can actually get to sleep and stay asleep all night - without the bother of snoring.

The right anti snore pillows for you are going to be the ones that best cradle you in the position in which you sleep. If you prefer to sleep on your back then you'll need one that looks like a regular pillow but which has an indentation on one or both sides or along the middle. These indentations are what cradle your head and neck and keep them in proper alignment so that your mouth won't fall open. The trick to stopping your snoring is to make sure your throat doesn't get dry or that you don't breathe through your mouth. These types of anti snore pillows are usually very easy to find online or in the store and typically are very affordable.

To keep you sleeping on your side, try anti snoring pillows that are designed for those who prefer this position. Some are made like round cylinders and are meant to support your stomach so that you don't just collapse into the bed, and others are meant to go under the small of your back so that you won't roll over onto your back during sleep. Because these kinds of snore pillows are designed in a 'U' shape it means they don't moved out of position during sleep as they fit nicely under one arm. This kind of snoring pillow is good for people who have trouble with their necks, shoulders or backs as they are very supportive so they have less pain during sleep and even in the day.

Remember that trying to prop yourself up with regular pillows might not work as well as true anti snore pillows since regular pillows have a tendency to collapse. Rather than trying to make your own means of support, you would do well to instead opt for the real thing. They're usually just as affordable as typical pillows but do the job that much better.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Best Way To Cure Snoring Problems

Anyone who snores knows that it can effect how well you sleep and it can effect how the person who you sleep with sleeps. There is little doubt that this is a big problem for those who just can't seem to find a solution. In this article we will take a look at some simple ways to cure snoring.

The first thing all snorers have to look at is their health. If you are overweight then you are much more likely to snore. The way to fix this is to lose some weight. It's very common for people who smoke to have snoring problems. That smoke overtime will effect your breathing and sleeping.

Bad allergies, sinus infections, and colds are also major causes of snoring. For this you will need to get the right treatments and medication for each problem. Don't wait for this stuff to go away on it's own. Conditions like sinus infections and allergies can stick around for allot longer then what you care for.

You should consider sleeping on a hard mattress over one that is soft. Soft mattresses have a negative effect on your breathing. You should also look into finding a good pillow. A pillow can effect the angle in witch your head is tilted.

Some people should try sleeping on an extra pillow and others should try only sleeping on one. You may want to try elevating your head, but do keep in mind that some some people may find that makes the snoring even worse. Make sure that you try sleeping on your side before you try anything else. Sleeping on your side more often may be all you even need to remedy your snoring problem.

Using nasal strips can help open air passages and remove blockages. The only problem with this is how much they cost. Nasal strips can get expensive if you keep wearing them all the time.

If your snoring is severe, then make sure that you do see a doctor to make sure it isn't something even worse. You may even have other health issues. There are certain people who's condition may be so severe that they will need to have surgery. That will be up to you and your doctor to decide.

Make sure that you take your snoring condition seriously. Snoring is often a sign of many other problems. Sinus infections and allergies are couple of common problems. I wouldn't even rule out sleep apnea. However, there are many good treatments of snoring.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Have you considered a CPAP Machine?

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Then perhaps it's time to consider a CPAP machine. You might be hesitant to use such a device but when you realize how very dangerous sleep apnea is, you may want to reconsider. Sleep apnea can cause morning headaches, contributes to the buildup of toxins in the blood, may cause brain damage, and in extreme cases can even lead to death! So of course a CPAP machine is preferable to these physical problems associated with sleep apnea.

A CPAP machine is rather like an oxygen machine that you would see in hospital. Oxygen is fed into the body through a face mask which is placed over the mouth and nose. This means that when sleep apnea strikes and the body stops breathing on its own, the CPAP machine will keep it supplied with oxygen regardless. Potentially this can lifesaving if you have severe sleep apnea or night-time breathing problems.

If your doctor prescribes a CPAP machine for you then the cost will more than likely be met by your insurance company. They may seem a bit cumbersome but most who use them state that they adjust quickly and find that it doesn't interfere with their sleep and their comfort the way they thought it would. You do need instructions from your doctor as to how to adjust the machine as the pressure of the oxygen is important. Once you getto grips with using it, a CPAP machine is pretty straightforward.

Of course the best thing you can do for your health is to address any problems that may be causing your sleep apnea, rather than simply relying on a CPAP machine. If you're overweight or obese, it's time to face that issue and address it. Few people want to accept this fact and of course this is a difficult problem to conquer, but it can be done. Obesity is linked to not just sleep apnea but also to many other health issues so of course everyone has reason to keep their weight under control. A CPAP machine can be very reassuring and of great use but longer term you should be looking at ways to improve your diet and exercise routine to keep yourself healthy.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Snoring Relief Advice

Snoring is a problem and it didn't just pop up from nowhere. Snoring as been around for as long as humans have populated the planet, which is quite a long time. There no way of knowing who is going to suffer from snoring, also you have no way of telling what method of snoring relief will work for you. Listed below are some snoring relief methods for you to choose from.

Mouth Devices and Equipment:

Almost all of the equipment used on the mouth are mandibular adjustable positioning devices. This is a long statement, which basically means it is actually a mouthpiece that keep you from snoring. When your jaw drops and your mouth hangs open it can cause snoring because it pushes on your throat which causes restriction.

The constriction stops the air from flowing freely through your nasal passages and this creates the snoring sound. If you think the position of your jaw is causing your snoring, then this will be a snoring relief product you require.

Nasal Strips:

If you think that you snoring problems are the result of blocked nasal passages, then you should go get some nasal strips and use those. Nasal strips are thin plastic strips with an adhesive on one side. This snoring relief technique is fixed to the bridge of your nose and operates as a lifting apparatus for pulling the sides of your nose open, this allows the air to pass, unrestricted, which stops the snoring noise.

This snoring relief technique will also work on nasal congestion, which as being brought on by colds and allergies and possibly with dust.

Snoring Relief For Others:

For those who don't have a snoring issue, the paragraph below may be of help. It's a good thing for you that you don't have to actually suffer from snoring. Unfortunately however, you sleep with a partner who do suffer from snoring. Don't just lie there suffering, why not try some ear plugs. Earplugs can either fit inside or outside of your ears, stopping all that terrible snoring noise from disturbing you.

Snoring relief is a massive industry, wherever you go, whether it be the grocery store, gas station, pharmacy or supermarket you'll find lots of products you could use for relief of snoring. You shouldn't allow snoring to spoil you or your partner's nights sleep, just try one of the methods written about in this article to see the difference a nights sleep can give.

For some more great articles on snoring relief and information how to stop snoring, go check out our web site on sleep disorders.

What's a Good Home Snoring Remedy?

Making up an easy home snoring remedy is not as difficult as you might imagine it would be, however, it also doesn't necessarily involve the "ingredients" and steps you might imagine. Sometimes a few simple tips and tricks are all that's needed to address your snoring and these tricks don't even always include making up some type of elixir. Let's take a look at what we mean by that and see if we can't find a home remedy for snoring in your case.

One thing that you might not have considered as a home remedy for snoring is to lose some weight. When you're overweight the excess body fat around your neck can squeeze the airway there and cause tissue in the throat to block this passage. When air passes over this tissue it makes the sound we call snoring. Excess body fat can also put pressure on the lungs especially when you're laying down. This can cause wheezing and choking while sleeping but these sounds are not actually snoring even though they may sound like it. So eating better and exercising might not have been what you would consider a home remedy for snoring but of course they certainly should be!

Eucalyptus and menthol are also goo home remedies for snoring. Many people use a menthol rub for when they have a cold or stuffed up sinuses, as keeping sinuses clear can help one breathe through their nose rather than their mouth which in turn means less snoring. Rub a little menthol under your nose as this will help you tremendously. Marjoram is another favorite home remedy for snoring; this is sold in jars and you simply open the lid and keep it next to your bed at night. The aroma fills the bedroom and keeps your sinuses clear.

You can also use a vaporizer as a home remedy for snoring if you add a bit of menthol or eucalyptus oil to it. The smell will then be dispersed gradually throughout the night helping you to breathe more easily. Even a vaporizer or humidifier on its own can be considered a good home remedy for snoring as dry air can make your sinuses and throat dry as well. So try these remedies and remember that often using more than one at the same time will give you the most relief.

Can You Really Stop Snoring By Singing?

Can you stop snoring by singing? That is the question that many people have asked since researchers have discovered that it is possible. What most people don't know is that this method does take some work and requires a fair bit of technique in order for it to work.

The first thing you need to realize is that you can't just sing anything you want. The muscles in your throat have to be worked properly. Even when you do this it will take a fair amount of time before you see any progress.

The theory behind this method is to strengthen the throat muscles, which get flabby. When throat muscles get flabby they have a tendency to vibrate more. These vibrations will cause snoring as you breath more deeply when you sleep.

As I mentioned, there is some technique to this. If you want to use this method you will need to get yourself some stop snoring CDs and booklets. These training materials will teach you singing exercises you will need to do in order to stop snoring. What makes this even a little more annoying is that you will need to do these exercises everyday for about a half hour.

Another catch to all of this is that this method only works for certain people and certain cases. If the cause of your snoring is related to your sinuses, then this method won't be of use to you. The same could be said about being too fat, allergies, and smoking. In situations like this you will need to see a doctor.

Before you take on this method you should remove all those possible causes first. You will be waisting time if you don't. If you need to lose weight then do that first. If you need to stop smoking then do that first. The health benefits you get form those things will pay off even if it doesn't solve your snoring problems.

However, if you really want to give it a try there is no real risk. You can't hurt yourself from doing this method and you the cost of doing it is not great at all.

If you are turned off by the idea of having to sing to stop snoring then you can always try anti snore products instead. They certainly are other options for those looking for a solution.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Central Sleep Apnea Must be Taken Seriously

Sleep apnea is when a person stops breathing on and off during sleep. However one of the most dangerous forms of this condition is central sleep apnea, where the body fails to signal the lungs to inhale on a regular basis. Oxygen isn't getting in to the body as it should if a person isn't inhaling properly and regularly. This regular cycle of oxygen is so important that the body can and does force itself to breathe even if you consciously try to hold your breath. The problems with central sleep apnea are not to be dismissed.

During periods of central sleep apnea, the heart will respond to this lack of oxygen intake by increasing the heart rate, causing stress and strain to the heart muscles. This is not like increasing your heart rate when you exercise which is good for the body. An increased heart rate during exercise is always accompanied by breathing oxygen in and carbon dioxide out, but not so with central sleep apnea! This unnatural increase of the heart rate can damage the heart itself as it's working harder but without nourishing oxygen to help out.

It's believed that central sleep apnea can trigger seizures in the patient. This is caused by the sudden drop in blood oxygen levels, and this occurs whether the person has a seizure disorder or not. Other problems that can arise due to central sleep apnes can include heart attacks and angina. Additionally, the lack of regular breathing that occurs with any form of sleep apnea can result in a buildup of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream which means blood poisoning.

As with central sleep apnea, all forms of sleep apnea should be addressed as quickly and effectively as possible. A person that is overweight should endeavor to bring their weight under control. A snore pillow can keep the head from falling back and the tongue from blocking the throat and airway. A humidifier in the bedroom can help with keeping sinuses open. A CPAP machine, which is rather like an oxygen machine that you would see in hospital, can be useful in severe central sleep apnea cases. This is not something that you should bury your head in the sand about - you have to address the issue!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

5 Stages Of Sleep and The Study Of Apnea

Looking for information on a sleep study for apnea? Learn as much as you can about sleep to tackle apnea or insomnia.

In most people, REM sleep occurs about every 90 minutes throughout the night (about every 60 minutes in infants). The first REM period of the night is very short, about 5 minutes, the second is about 10 minutes, and the third is about 15 minutes. The final dream of the night usually lasts 30 minutes, but sometimes lasts an hour. Everybody dreams several times each night. If you slept about six hours last night, you can be sure you had about four dreams. Most dreams are forgotten, however, unless you wake up from them.

On the other hand, NREM sleep, the non-dream sleep, comes in two variations-the most frequent type, called stage 2, and the much deeper version, called delta (or stages 3 and 4). There is some thinking during NREM, but it usually is simple and fragmented.

The Transition Phase

There also is a transition phase between waking and sleeping, when some parts of the brain are asleep while others are not. This is called stage 1.

Going to sleep is like going down a stairway. You start going down into stage 1 for half a minute to several minutes, with your thoughts drifting, but you don't feel asleep. Then you go down the stairway some more to stage 2, and your brain starts putting out waves with characteristic patterns called spindles and K-complexes. Then, you go into deep stage 3 and 4 delta sleep.

Specialists call the time to the end of the first REM the first sleep cycle, and the time from then to the end of the second REM sleep the second cycle. There are four to six cycles per night, depending on how long you sleep. Usually, the changes between stages are gradual, with one stage blending into the next as you gradually move up and down the stairway. In the last part of the night, there usually is no deep delta sleep at all.

5 Stages Of Sleep

Stage 1, although it is called "sleep," is almost worthless in terms of its recovery value. Researchers continue to debate the value of the other stages of sleep. Delta sleep generally appears to be the main kind that allows the body to recover. People deprived of delta often wake up with a feeling of malaise; though nothing in the body is "broken," nothing seems to function right. Stage 2 sleep seems to be a less intense form of delta sleep and, like delta sleep, is concerned mainly with body recovery. On the other hand, REM sleep seems to be more involved with mental recovery. If you don't have REM sleep, it's harder to make sense out of your life.

These are very fine points still debated among sleep researchers. The important thing is not what stages of sleep you're having, but the total amount and quality of sleep you get. It is important that you not have much stage 1 sleep and that your sleep be continuous, not fragmented with awakenings. That's why most sleep clinicians participating in sleep study for apnea, are more concerned that you sleep well than whether the sleep is this or that particular stage.  If you are suffering from sleep deprivation then try Melatrol.  It is the number one, natural, non-addictive, sleep aid on the market today.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Some Common Solutions For Snoring Relief

The growth in snoring problems now has people searching for remedies on a daily basis.

The problem is there is no way to tell who is going to be susceptible to snoring and who is not.

The certainty is though that the snoring person’s partner will be insisting on them obtaining snoring relief so they themselves can get a good night’s sleep.

Here are three methods of snoring relief that you may like to try:

A Mouth Piece To Be Used In Your Mouth

This form of snoring relief commonly takes the form of some sort of invasive device that keeps your jaw from falling into a slack position in sleep and pushing back on the throat causing constriction.

This constriction stops the air from flowing freely through the throat and causes it to vibrate against the walls of the nasal passages.

This vibration is what causes the snoring sound.

If you believe your snoring is caused by a slack jaw , then this may well be the snoring relief product for you.

A nasal strip device

You have probably seen sports men and women wearing nasal strips on TV. This was and still is, a popular way of increasing performance through freer breathing.

If you think that your snoring problem is caused by narrowing of your nasal passages then you could try nasal strips as a solution.

These strips are actually thin pieces of adhesive plastic. This little device is based on a sporting device that works to keep open the nostrils so allowing a greater volume of air into the lungs. This allows the air to pass through the nostrils without there being a snoring noise created.

This is a snoring relief method that works on nasal congestion brought on by allergies and colds as well.

Some Ideas For Snoring Relief For Bed Partners

Snoring usually leads to health problems not only for the snorer but also their sleeping party.

If you are a long suffering partner then you will be glad to know that there are some simple solutions available for snoring. These soft, ear lobe sized devices fit perfectly inside your ear and work to exclude unwanted noises and distractions from entering your ears.

Getting relief for snoring has grown into a big business these days. Many shops are stocking some form of snoring relief product to aid in people’s suffering.  In addition there is growing evidence that a stop snoring exercise program is a very effective method to cure most cases.

There is no need to let snoring ruin you or your partner’s sleep. Why not invest in one of the snoring relief products above. You may even be able to see how to stop snoring and look forward to an undisturbed night’s sleep.

How Effective is an Anti Sore Pillow?


If you snore too often and too loudly there are many different treatments you can try and some are better than others depending on the individual. A good option is an anti snoring pillow which will cradle your head and neck properly. There are various reasons as to why these pillows work better than your average pillow.

An anti snore pillow is usually made of a very firm foam material so that your head won't collapse into it they way it might with a regular pillow. Stacking a few pillows on top of each other will not have the same impact. Additionally, stacking many regular pillows may be very uncomfortable under your neck. Even if you prop yourself up on two or three normal pillows they may stop your snoring but it will probably be because you're not actually sleeping properly because you're so uncomfortable. An anti snore pillow might sound uncomfortable but it is actually shaped so that your neck fits into a little nook. You may have noticed this about such a pillow.

Another type of anti snore pillow works like a body pillow and is designed to be put behind you at the small of your back. Typically people snore when they sleep on their backs so keeping you on your side is important. Old advice was to put a tennis ball in the back of your pajamas waistband so that when you rolled over onto this, you would then get pushed back onto your side. But imagine how uncomfortable a tennis ball would be pushing against your back! So a longer anti snore pillow can be more supportive and more comfortable in this area. Some are designed like long single pillows and some are designed in a U shape to fit under one arm so you have support in both the front and back.

The benefit of using an anti snoring pillow is that it is a natural solution to snoring. For some people, however, the only option is medication or surgery, which may be extreme but well worth it in the long term.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Snoring Surgery: What are the best options?

If you're thinking about the possibility of snoring surgery you're not alone. Snoring is more than just an annoyance and inconvenience; it's something that can cause damage to your throat, mouth, lungs, and even your ears depending on the volume! Of course, it is not neccessarily the actual snorer who islooking at having surgery it is just as likely to be the long suffering partner.

Happily there are several options available when it comes to snoring surgery. Some are very quick and painless and are done on an outpatient basis alone whereas others are more involved and of course riskier. The first thing you need to do when considering any snoring is of course have your doctor or dentist pinpoint the exact cause of your snoring. This is going to be different for everyone and this will determine just which type of surgery is going to be right for you.

Radiofrequency ablation is one type of somnoplasty snoring. Somnoplasty refers to a cutting away or stiffening and tightening of the tissue in and around the soft palate, which is the area at the roof of the mouth in the back. Flabby or excess tissue in this area vibrates when a person breathes through their mouth when sleeping and it is this vibration that produces the snoring sound. On the whole somnoplasty as a surgery option is quite straightforward and relatively painless. Some patiets only experience mild discomfort and can get back to normal the very next day.

Some may need a tonsillectomy as a surgery to cure snoring. If the tonsils, adenoids, uvula, or other areas of the throat are swollen or infected these too can cause snoring as they will vibrate when a person breathes. Having any of these removed can be a permanent cure for snoring. Of course this type of surgery is a bit more complicated and may require an overnight hospital stay or a longer recovery time. Any surgery to cure snoring that you're considering should be given careful consideration and preparation. Although nothing is 100% guaranteed snoring surgery on the whole does work for most people.

Signs of Sleep Apnea Not to be Ignored

You may be one of the many people who have heard of sleep apnea and are wondering what exactly the signs are. Sleep apnea is becoming more and more common these days and it's not a minor inconvenience that should be ignored. Sleep apnea, if ignored, can cause toxins in the blood to build up until you run the risk of damage to muscles and organs – the brain included. So, if you think there is a chance that you have sleep apnea what should you do about it?

Firstly, when asking what the signs of signs of sleep apnea are remember that just because you have restless nights when you keep waking up it does not mean that you have sleep apnea. Reasons that you're waking up cou;d be that your caffeine intake has been too great or even that you're not getting enough exercise. So what are the signs of sleep apnea that set it apart from general sleeplessness?

Drowsiness during the day, irritability and mood swings, chronic headaches, muscle aches, sore throat and neck stiffness in the morning are all symptoms of sleep apnea. During the night, choking, gasping, wheezing, and loud snoring are also symptoms. These symptoms are especially appropriate with sleep apnea because they signal that the body is having trouble breathing during sleep. You have to be aware of both night and day symptoms. Bad headaches can be caused by lots of reasons, as can irritability. If, however, you suffer from heavy snoring, wheezing and gasping in your sleep it could very well be a sign that you are suffering from sleep apnea.

At the end of the day, if you think there is the slightest chance that you are showing signs of sleep apnes then make an appointment to talk to your doctor. Sleep apnea, in the worst cases can be deadly, so take any fears seriously and get yourself checked out.

Idiopathic Hypersomnia - Managing a Challenging Disorder

Idiopathic hypersomnia is a class of serious sleep disorders in which the sufferer can fall asleep at any time. Most people with this illness complain of excessive sleepiness for at least one month and experience prolonged sleep episodes or daytime sleep episodes that occur almost daily. These episodes can be embarrassing and even hazardous if it occurs when driving or working. However, there are treatments available. In this article, we'll discuss the symptoms of hypersomnia and how to cope with the condition.

Patients suffering from hypersomnia often lose the ability to function in family, social and occupational settings. The condition most commonly impacts teenagers, young adults and people who are overweight. This can exacerbate their weight problems, as their excessive sleep patterns means that they will use less energy. In addition to excessive sleepiness and long nighttime sleeping, symptoms include irritability, mild depression and difficulty concentrating. For this reason, people with hypersomnia should be cautious when driving or operating machinery. Kleine-Levin syndrome is a form of hypersomnia that features slightly different symptoms. Sufferers may sleep for eighteen or more hours a day and are irritable, uninhibited, and make indiscriminate sexual advances. People with Kleine-Levin syndrome often eat uncontrollably and rapidly gain weight. However, this form of recurrent hypersomnia is very rare.

Recurring hypersomnia involves periods of excessive daytime sleepiness that can last from one to many days, and recur over the course of a year or more. With recurring hypersomnia, a person will have prolonged periods where they do not exhibit any signs of the malady. However, persons experiencing idiopathic hypersomnia are affected by it nearly all the time.

If you have idiopathic hypersomnia, then modifying your lifestyle can greatly improve your sleep habits. Reducing your intake of caffeine and alcohol, and adhering to a regular sleep schedule will help reduce somnolence. In addition to behavioral changes, your doctor may prescribe drugs such as Provigi, Ritalin and various amphetamines to combat daytime sleepiness. However, it's important to closely monitor your reaction to these medications. Nervousness, heart palpitations and addiction are common side effects.

Idiopathic hypersomnia can lead to other medical disorders, so getting immediate treatment is essential. A sleep problem will have a ripple effect through the rest of your life, so addressing the disorder will help you perform better at work and improve your overall quality of life. There's no need to struggle with those feelings of drowsiness. A simple visit to the doctor can put you on the road to a better night of sleep.

Sleep disorders are deadly. Sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome and even walking in your sleep are different reasons why many individuals constantly feel sleepy during the daytime hours regardless when they have fell asleep the prior night. The difficulty is that they are not able to get the sleep quality their bodies require in order to function. Snoring might be the butt of many jokes yet it is dangerous. If you are afflicted from poor or restless sleep quality you need to click here for more information:

Anxiety Sleep Disorder also Insomnia And Stress Management and Insomnia Symptoms