Friday, December 26, 2008

Tips on How to Address Snoring in Children

It's really not a good idea to ignore the problem of snoring in children, no matter how difficult it might be to address this issue.  Children are sensitive to seeming different and may resist treatment if they feel their friends will know.  {However snoring in children can be a serious problem, and yet usually can be fixed relatively easily.}  {So if you're looking to address this problem with your child, here are some quick tips you might want to consider.}

When addressing the issue of snoring in children, you can remind your child that this is a problem that many adults face.  Reminders that this is out of their control just like a pimple or a cavity can help.  Explaining the reasons that snoring is unhealthy, like it can damage your throat and mouth, and cause headaches and sore throat, may help children be more amenable to solutions.  You can also point out that usually a few simple things can be done to fix the problem.

As with adults, usually snoring in children can be addressed with simple throat drops or sprays.  These coat the throat and keep it moist throughout the night so that there is less rattling when a person breathes through their mouth.  A good snore pillow can also help the problem of snoring in children, and they may appreciate such a subtle fix to the problem.  A good snore pillow will cradle their head and neck and keep it from falling back, forcing them to breathe through their mouth during sleep.  {Often a snore pillow is recommended to those who need support for their upper back and shoulders and can relieve muscle tension as well.}  This is good for the problem of snoring in children if they're going to a sleepover at their friend's house as people can rarely tell the difference between a snore pillow and a typical pillow!  

Of course severe cases of snoring in children can and should be addressed by a doctor.  Difficulty breathing may bring about snoring, so, of course, it needs to be looked at by a doctor.