Saturday, December 27, 2008

Is There a Cure? Tips to Stop Snoring

Although there is not one snoring cure that works for all people due to the various causes of snoring, there are different tips to stop snoring that can be helpful to reduce or stop snoring altogether. A blocked nose, the base of the tongue falling back into the throat, an enlarged uvula or swollen tonsils as well as a deviated septum can all be conditions that cause snoring. Some things that can cause snoring are laying on your back while sleep, having your mouth open, and sleep apnea.

Lifestyle Changes

The easiest tips to stop snoring are making changes to the lifestyle. Being overweight can cause snoring due to the extra flesh in the throat area which can block the passage of air during the night. In addition, smoking, alcohol and caffeine can exacerbate snoring in some people, so reducing these habits or stopping altogether can solve a snoring problem. Another tip to stop snoring is to not overeat before bedtime as well as not eating dairy products in the evening, since they tend to create more mucus that can cause snoring.

Sleeping Position

Sleeping on the back is commonly known to cause snoring, so changing the sleeping position of the person who snores can reduce or eliminate snoring according to tips to stop snoring. Some pillows on the market are particularly designed. They can mold to the body, majorly the head and shoulder regions. Therefore users sleep on the side more comfortably than sleep on the back. There are mattresses that are also designed to be more comfortable sleeping on the side rather than the back, thus encouraging that position and reducing snoring.

Breathing through the Nose

Other tips to stop snoring include training the person to sleep with his mouth closed so that he breathes through his nose, thus reducing or eliminating snoring. There are nasal dilation devices that hold open the nasal passages through a strip that goes across the bridge of the nose. There are also mouth sealants and chin straps that gently hold the person's mouth closed during the night to encourage breathing through the nose rather than the mouth. 

Other Options

If the aforementioned strategies fail, there are even more advanced methods and tips to stop snoring. Surgery is one option, in which the surgeons remove or reduce the palate or throat tissue which will usually reduce or eliminate snoring.  In addition, there is radio frequency tissue reduction, or RFTR, in which a needle is stuck into the tongue so that the tissue inside is reduced but the taste buds remain intact.

The information contained in this article is provided for your general information only. This should not be considered as medical advice. Under no circumstances does this article recommend any particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases we recommend that you consult your physician or local treatment center before pursuing any course of treatment.