Saturday, December 27, 2008

What is a Snoring Mouth Guard and How Does it Work?

Many people who snore have found great relief with the use of a snoring mouth guard, a small oral appliance that you wear during sleep that helps to keep your mouth in place so that you'll snore much less.  This is something to consider not just for your own health and ability to sleep but for anyone that might be in the same room as you!  Now we will learn about the functioning of a snoring mouth guard and how it can be obtained.

Typically a snoring mouth guard resembles the kind of mouth guard that could be worn by a professional athlete.  Resting comfortably in the mouth, they gently maintain a forward position of the jaw.  This assists in preventing the mouth from opening up while you sleep so you will breathe through your mouth less often, which will decrease snoring.  {The mouth often does not keep the alignment that it's supposed to have during sleep and often this misalignment can cause snoring.}  Everything in the mouth has a tendency to relax during sleep which can be prevented with a snoring mouth guard.

While it might sound strange to be sleeping with a snoring mouth guard, they're typically very comfortable and some report that they actually relieve some pain and tension in the jaw.  This guard allows the mouth to "lean" against it and relaxes the muscles so they do not get too tense.  Since everything is in proper alignment the muscles of the jaw are less likely to be overused or overextended.

A snoring mouth guard typically needs to be fitted by a doctor because it must fit in your mouth precisely.   It should be of your size otherwise a looser one would be useless and a tighter one uncomfortable.   A dentist too can typically take a mold of your mouth and design a snoring mouth guard just for you.

Your insurance may not cover the cost of a snoring mouth guard but many people report that they're well worth the cost.  Proper and consistent use can potentially lead to reduced pain and a higher quality of sleep.  If you're a snorer, for your sake, as well as those in your household, consider this and talk with your physician or dental expert about it.