It is estimated that about forty five percent of people snore, which is not always a problem for the person doing the snoring as much as it is a problem for the partner who sleeps with them. Snoring can be a life threatening condition, however, and it is important to monitor what type of snoring is happening and how it affects sleep patterns. People who wake up in the morning and do not feel rested, have headaches, fall asleep at inappropriate times, have memory difficulties and low energy may have a more serious problem and should consult a doctor about it because they may be suffering from sleep apnea, which means they stop breathing multiple times during the night which can be fatal if left untreated.
In order for those with sleep apnea to stop snoring, a doctor should be called in and serious snoring remedies taken to correct the problem. People with sleep apnea actually stop breathing at different points during the night which stops the oxygen flow to the brain. Usually this wakes people up, sometimes choking or gasping since they are unable to breathe. Other times it awakens them without them being conscious of it so that they can change positions and sleep again until the next occurrence.
Those with sleep apnea will awaken up to one hundred times per night which leaves them feeling exhausted, sometimes with headaches in the morning, memory difficulties and a low energy level throughout the day. One say to stop snoring with this condition is to use a continuous positive air pressure device, otherwise known as a CPAP. This device uses a mask that people sleep with which ensures continuous air flow throughout the night, thus ensuring restful sleep.
Other Treatments For those who do not have sleep apnea but want to stop snoring, there are some simple treatments that they can try. One is to monitor what they are eating before bed so that they do not eat too much in the evening and also decrease their intake of alcohol, dairy products as well as caffeine. In addition, getting more exercise and not smoking will also help to stop snoring.
There are pillows and mattresses on the market that are designed to help a person learn to sleep on their sides instead of their backs which helps to stop snoring. In addition, there are devices such as chin straps that can train people to breathe out of their noses during the night instead of their mouths, which also is beneficial in stopping snoring. Throat sprays, nasal dilators and mouth pieces can also help to clear airways and open nasal passages so that the snoring problem is reduced or stopped altogether.
Get more on insomnia and sleep disorders visit stop snoring as well as cures for snoring
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