Thursday, December 11, 2008

Do You Know Your Cause of Snoring

If you snore and are looking to stop, have you figured out your particular cause of snoring? You might be thinking that the cause isn't as important as the cure, but in reality these two are linked in a very crucial way. If you don't know the real cause of snoring in your case, how can you correct it? Imagine trying to fix a pain in your knee without finding out what's causing the pain; you would probably just be wasting your time, money, and energies! So it's the same with snoring - you should find out the cause before you can address a possible cure.

What might be the cause of snoring in your case? Most people find that they snore whe they sleep on their back. This is because the back of the head becomes lower than the neck which in turn makes the mouth open. When the tissue gets dry in the mouth and throat, the air passing over it makes the sound we call snoring. This may be the most common cause of snoring and probably the easiest to fix. A good quality snore pillow can cradle the head and neck and keep everything in alignment so that the mouth won't fall open. There are also snore pillows that cradle a person when they're sleeping on their side so that they won't be inclined to roll over onto their backs. While a sleeping position may not be the cause of snoring in your case, a snoring pillow can offer a lot of support for the upper back and shoulders so it can be a worthy investment in any case.

Dry tissue in the throat is another common cause of snoring. When the tissue is dry it will create all sorts of sounds when a person is breathing. This too is a quick fix. For some, using throat sprays or a decent humidifier in the bedroom is enough to keep the throat moist while sleeping. If you're not sure if this is your cause of snoring, think of whether or not your throat is sore or scratchy when you wake up. If you have tried various non-prescription remedies that haven't worked than it is probably a good idea to visit your doctor so that you can get to your root cause of snoring and a personal plan that is going to help you.