Just about everyone snores from time to time, but for some people this habit can be more than just an occasional frustration. Snoring can be just a minor irritation to some people but to others it can be a major problem leading to exhaustion and throat damage or even divorce. But there are many natural natural snoring remedies that you can try that might work just as well as anything your doctor might prescribe. Let's take a look at some of these and see if they might work in your case.
Most natural snoring remedies work by coating the throat and mouth so that the skin and tissue doesn't get dry. When skin and tissue is dry this makes the sound we call snoring as air passes over them. Think of what coats your throat and keeps it moist. Quite a lot of people swear by honey. A good humidifier or vaporizer are also considered natural snoring remedies as they work to keep the mouth and throat moisturized; considering using either of these in your bedroom especially during the dry winter months.
Other natural snoring remedies work to keep the nasal passages open so that you can breathe easily through the nose rather than the mouth. Popular ones are eucalyptus or menthol; or you could try leaving open a a jar of marjoram. A cough drop before bedtime can help to keep your sinuses clear, just make sure that it's completely dissolved before you fall asleep so you don't risk choking on it. Your sinus remedies are all natural snoring remedies as well since they keep the nasal passages open.
Nasal strips that you purchase at the pharmacy can also be considered effective snoring remedies. These gently pull apart the nostrils so that the airways are not constricted. This helps to keep a person breathing through their nose rather than their mouth. People appreciate using these because it means no drugs or chemicals in the system and because they're so affordable as well. Propping up some pillows under the small of your back to keep you on your side can also work with your natural snoring remedies to cut down on your snoring. Try these remedies at home and don't hesitate to use more than one for the most amount of relief; you owe it to yourself and your bedmate to get a good night's sleep!
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